The Evangelical Universalist Forum

Are You a Unitrinian?

Yes, there are ways in which they are unequal, and ways in which they are equal!

For example, they are not equal in knowledge.
(Matthew 24:36 ESV) “But concerning that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father only.”

Recorded in Matthew 14:28 ESV, Jesus said:
.… the Father is greater than I

However, they are equally divine
… the logos was God" (John 1:1).

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Success! At last someone found out for me the basis of Unitrinian philosophy:

It is a philosophy which “drew on the theories of François-Alexandre-Nicolas-Chéri Delsarte to develop a strategy of mind-body-spirit harmonization aimed at undoing the physical, psychological, and spiritual damage caused by urban modernity.”

So apparently the “tri” is “mind, body, and spirit,” and the “uni” is harmonization of these three.

I find this whole thread to be virtually meaningless and unproductive. You are trying to understand the understandable, to comprehend the incomprehensible.

“Let me be that I am and seek not to alter me.”
― William Shakespeare, Much Ado About Nothing

However articulate I could be in any attempt to explain my personal position in the Uni/Trin debate, I doubt I could alter the mindsets of those who adopt the contrary opinion. I am bound to fail, hence I decline to posit it.

Well… the whole thread is based off someone’s dream :crazy_face:

“The revelation of Paidion”

Unitrinianism is in no way related to the “Uni/Trin” debate. As I pointed out in my last post, a person discovered Unitrinian philosophy to be a strategy for “mind-body-spirit harmonization.” It is not Christian philosophy. It has no relevance to any aspect of Christianity, including Unitarianism and Trinitarianism.

Thank you Davo and Gabe (albeit with a touch of sarcasm) for bringing out the reality that this thread arose from a dream. The central feature is that it was a dream about a word “Unitrinian.” How could I dream about a word of which I had never heard, and yet a word that has been used by people?

Hopefully you know that I am just having fun. If you don’t know, now you do. :grinning:

I don’t know, but I have often had some of my most profound thoughts in a dream. I have solved all sorts of work, theological problems from dreams. It is strange, but I do not believe it is spiritual, though I might have 3+ years ago.

Very fascinating, though. Many believe that sleep reorganizes the brain, which appears to be true. That the brain solidifies pathways during sleep. A musician can struggle on a piece the first day, ending with playing it sloppy and slow only to find that after a night of sleep, they can effortlessly play it, or at least play it with far more precision. Some cool things happen when we get sleep, it is too bad many people don’t see the value and try and short change sleep. Even worse is when people think others are lazy for making it a priority. I remember Jesus making it a priority, enough that he was like, “see ya guys, gonna take a nap…”

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