just to throw in a couple things…i’m not that learned, but i did notice that some debate was two different perspectives of the same things, with a few bits edited.
my take on things is that God is perfect, and God is love.
in love He created us, and as Jasen sort of stated, we are given the grace to sin. we couldn’t sin if not for the grace.
this doesn’t mean that God is “responsible” for our sin, simply that in order to not have a slave race, He’s given us the option.
now, we can choose NOT to sin…we can choose to act according to His will, and be blessed as a result.
we can also choose NOT to act according to His will and (depending on your view) either be discliplined by God directly, or merely endure the natural consequences of our sin.
so Joseph, as a great example, needed to go to Egypt. is it possible that he would’ve made it all the way over without his brothers selling him into slavery? we can’t know HOW, as it didn’t happen that way. however God can do anything, so i personally assume, yes…He could’ve done that.
but the brothers acted in that evil and jealous way…and God’s will was put into motion in that way. great good came from it, and so we thank God…but we blame the brothers and don’t honour them for the evil thing they did, we merely marvel at God’s grace that He worked with those circumstances to such a great end…an end which (incorporating even more avoidable evil) ended with Moses leading the people home to the promised land.
now i believe that God needed/wanted to act through our evil, through our choices, to enact His true grace (while we were sinners), and as such, Christ (as the 2nd Person of God) paying our wages (the wages of sin=death) chose to (here’s where it gets scary for me) …allow us to kill His Son, knowing we’d do it… as an act of absorption. I think of Him as taking our sin and almost absorbing it into His goodness and somehow changing it, making the outcome GOOD, despite our worst intentions. sort of like when a Christian martyr filled with the Love of God allowed the waves of persecution to wash over him because of the Hope she/he had of His glorious resurrection and restoration…and with love, they conquered, as is evidenced by all the converts who came from witnessing the martyrdom…evil is broken not by conquering, not by violence,
but by taking the full brunt of it…
sorry that was rambling, but what i mean is kind of like God voluntarily went into a toxic area (like Mr Spock in Star Trek!!! a great example, especially as he comes back to life) to save us, knowing that in the physical form He’d assume for our sake, He would die…the toxicity was our sin, and so by our sin He died…but He made the choice to go through it. it is NOT suicide or murder, it is death for us…He lay His life down for us, as a hero may do…not out of suicidal tendancies, or violent ones, but simply for love of the one to be saved. to me this isn’t a difficult concept. there are far more difficult ones to me, like the judgement of sin both in the OT and NT.
hmm i am still rambling. hopefully i’ve made sense and am not totally out to lunch!
anyway, the violence, then, becomes ours…not God’s. He submits to undergo the worst we can throw at Him, and He conquers it by coming back from the dead. this act not only saves us, as it illustrates His plan for a kingdom of Love, and addresses our Fear of Death (a big motive for alot of sin), and it shows us what’s possible to Him (EVERYTHING!), and also the length and bredth and depth of His great love.
i’ll say that again, we are violent, we are sinful, but God is good. but as He is Love, He chooses to act WITH us, cooperating in a sense, like Jasen says (not to imply complicitness, but just to say He operates WITH us=cooperates), not forcing His will, but getting it just the same.
God did speak of destroying nations…He did speak of sacrifice (violence to animals), but i do think there were lessons there for all of us. not always comfortable lessons! but the discipline of a child is never fun for the loving parent nor for the child, yet the end result is character, maturity, etc.
i don’t pretend to say however that i “understand” why some bad things happen…and why God seems to have ordered the deaths of children and women alongside sinful men. this is in no way me trying to sweep that under the carpet, because basically i don’t know.
at the end of the day, God is love, and i trust Him to bring to fruition what He has promised.
what i’ve offered are just my meagre thoughts on the subject! proceed to tear them apart, good scholars ![:wink: :wink:](https://forum.evangelicaluniversalist.com/images/emoji/twitter/wink.png?v=5)
this is all academic really, as the end result is that God wills that none should perish…He gets His way. that’s the perk of being God!