Aaron, these differences in how folk read sacred texts are fascinating. You say “well, continuity requires discontinuity,” and maybe I say, yes, and vice versa too?? Even seeing the Sadduccees as endorsing “continuity” concerning the nature of our existence beyond the grave sounds like a word game. Yet you do appear to move from “no” Scriptural usefulness in thinking in terms of analogy to “some essential continuity between this life and the next,” or at least undeniable “minimalist” continuity, that still doesn’t “insure” that “every aspect” will be the same. But of course I agree that there are “breaks.” I.e. we agree that there is both continuity and discontinuity in the texts, and thus seem to be quibbling over how much continuity it would be reasonable to expect.
You grant that there are elements of continuity, if “only in a sense.” But don’t folk read texts so differently because they pick up on different “senses” and their importance? I am struck that Jesus doesn’t appeal to revelatory Scripture, or to a fresh revelation, but urges that we we take what we understand in the now as a clue to our future experience with God. But for you there is clear revelation that leads to another way of thinking. You repeatedly speak of the OT as clearly defining your view of the afterlife. I’d find it more objective to find that the clariity of its’ view is at best much debated by its’ most devoted readers. And theological assumptions circularly affect what we pick up on in the text.
I’m NOT saying that we can assume ‘analogy’ guarantees the specifics of any future existence! I’m only saying that how one reads supposed Biblical clues, e.g. that there may be development, or perversity, beyond this world, will be influenced by one’s bias’ about what we already know. When much of what I see seems to reveal that God values a process that facilitates growth in our character and choices, it seems reasonable to me to think that the burden is on those who assert that they’ve been told by a revelation that in the big picture there can be no place for such dynamics.