The Evangelical Universalist Forum

Does "Apocalypse of Peter" show UR in the Early Church?

I have seen people write that several times, but I have yet to read an ancient Gnostic text that is universalistic. :slight_smile:

I think it’s because the Church knew very well indeed that the Apocalypse of Peter was written too late to have been written by St. Peter the Martyr and Apostle. :slight_smile:

First, let’s look at the Protestant Got Questions site, to review what it is:

Question: “What is the Apocalypse of Peter?”

They say this is why it is left out:

Next, lets visit a Bible forum at Why did the Apocalypse of Peter not make it into the canon?, and survey a couple plausible answers:

Finally, let’s look at the best answer at Yahoo’s Is the Apocalypse of Peter book a false doctrine?

One question about the Early Church I have is what the Soteorlogy of the Montanists was?

Here are some links to explore:

Montanism - Wiki
Early Christian Soteriology

Thank you for the Links.

Tertulian’s affiliation with them in a complicated matter and I’n hesitant to assume his views of Salvation and the Afterlife and Eternity were entirely the same. Not to mention how the movement might have changed from it’s founders.