Hi Mel and thanks for sharing. For several months as I was studying scripture concerning UR and Hell, I was openly sharing my research with others whom I respected in the hopes that if I was getting off track that God would use someone to show me the error in my interpretation of scripture or logic. The most common response I got was indifference; most Christians, sadly so, just do not study scripture; and fewer still ever read or study material that is outside of their traditional beliefs.
The second most common response I heard was some expression of fear, for example: “Well, if all are saved, then why should anyone follow Jesus?” or “If all are saved, won’t that negatively effect missions giving?” or “If all are saved, then why evangelize?” or “If you teach that all are saved then won’t people just continue to sin?” or “If allow this discussed openly then it will cause division in the church.”
Scripture says that God does not give us a spirit of fear, but a spirit of power, love, and sound thinking. Yet when the subject of Jesus really being the savior of all humanity comes up, many believers react setting aside love and reason and irrationally responding in fear and even hostility. The Thesselonians responded the same way when Paul presented the Gospel to them. They listened a little while, but quickly rejected his message and started attacking him.
I’ve found few people who respond like the Bereans who were open hearted towards Paul, open minded to new information, and diligent to study scripture to see if what Paul shared was correct. Note that they did not study to see if they could Prove Paul wrong, but to see if what he shared was true. They approached scripture with an open mind, open to seeing if what Paul said was true.
Most believers I’ve shared with are indifferent, satisfied with what they believe, and do not care to study anything challenging or new-to-them. The next most numerous response I’ve received are based in irrational fear and quickly devolve into personal attacks of me. I’ve only found a few who are open minded, will invest the time and effort to diligently study scripture, and seriously consider the possibility that Jesus really is the Savior of all humanity. And usually these are people are under 30. It seems that the older a person gets the less open he is to new-to-him concepts. And most established churches are made up of and especially led by people who’s average age is 50 or 60+, people who are set in their beliefs and unwilling, even afraid, to consider something radically new-to-them.
Also, I’m a Charismatic and Charismatics and Pentecostals value personal experience as a source of revelation. And one of the things I’ve run into is believers who rely more on their feelings than upon scripture. They trust their feelings more than their scholarship in scripture. And when I share with such people verifiable scriptural evidence as to why I’ve changed my beliefs, they get nervous inside and attribute that to me teaching something wrong as opposed to recognizing that it could be irrational fear in their own hearts, afraid to have been wrong for so many years, afraid that without the fear of hell many people will just live like they want to, afraid that…
These people also appeal to the many people who have had NDEs and experienced Hell, blindly accepting the testimonies and interpretations of those experiences presented by the Mary Baxters and others who claim such divine revelation. They fail to consider though that some people actually get saved during their NDE, and others get saved soon after their NDE of “hell”.
My son is currently studying the scriptures that Bill Weise quotes as affirming his interpretation of his vision/experience “23 Minutes in Hell”. And my son has found that over 80% of the scriptures this guy quotes as support for his interpretation of his experience have absolutely nothing to do with punishment in the afterlife, and the other 20% mostly speak of temporal punishment of sin. Weise reads Hell “INTO” all of these scriptures. He uses his vision as a lense through which he interprets scripture, instead of using scripture as a lense through which to interpret his vision.
Well, I’ve ranted enough for now. I suppose I’m just a little ticked today at some of the false accusations and negative responses of people whom I assumed would not act so irrationally and negatively towards me. And I wanted to vent a little. These people are 55+ and almost ignorant concerning scripture, but they’ve declared me a heretic, prideful, and a deceiver, using scripture for my own personal gain - as if coming to believe UR and openly confess such has gotten me anything but trouble. Well, thanks for listening.