Ah yes, I do see what you mean, Lancia. If you were to take out that passage, all by itself, and separate it from all the rest of Romans and the rest of scripture, then you have a point. This is how “exegesis” is often done in modern churches, and the practice is so very pervasive that it’s hard to even see it. It took me quite a while to realize that my idea of reading the Bible WAS proof-texting, and that it just didn’t work. Imagine if someone were to take a sentence here and there from all the things you’ve written on the internet. What sort of person would emerge as a picture of you? I guess it would depend on what was cut and pasted, and what was combined, and whether the person doing the cutting and pasting of your words even knew you, or had a motivation to present you as you truly are. Or maybe, had a motivation to present you as he “needed” you to be in order to prove a hypothesis he fervently believed.
I’ve worked hard to stop doing that kind of exegesis because I realize now that it CAN’T yield an accurate and unbiased picture of what the scriptures are truly intended to communicate to us. Hopefully I’ve got it down to a minimum at least, but there are many verses ripped bleeding and quivering and shapeless from the text, only to be stacked one upon another to build a monstrosity that God never meant by the words of the Holy Scriptures. So to me, I guess, what the verses may sound like in isolation is irrelevant until I put them in their true context and see how they look when surrounded by the rest of the rightful elements of the painting.
For example, what does this look like to you? What does it mean?
Nothing, I’m guessing. I named the file descriptively (and am too lazy to change it just now), but if it weren’t for that, you’d think it was an abstract, and not a particularly good one.
I’m going to skip some spaces now, and if you scroll down, you can see what the picture really means.
Here is the context – just left-click over the image to see it all at once. Do you see how my little fragment above can have no true meaning until you know the rest of the picture?