Well Paul says…
‘By grace you are saved through faith, and that not of yourselves it is the gift of God’ - so even the faith isn’t of the one being saved but the one doing the saving surely?
Also the parable of the lost sheep pretty much sums it up for me - the ninety and nine ‘saved ones’ are left and the lost one found and hoisted onto the shepherd’s shoulders and taken home. The sheep is probably so battered and weary of its experiences that it gives up struggling to be free and allows the shepherd to pick it up.
(It’s nice as an agnostic to join the game of ‘well this Bible passage says…x yes but that Bible passage says…y’ when we all know it’s the overall picture that counts not so-called proof-verses).
Anyway - Born Again do you have any knowledge of the prophetic role of Israels 3 feast days (passover, pentecost and tabernacles)? Or the harvests they coincided with - barley, wheat and grape (barley yields first with only the gentle winnowing of the wind (the overcomers raised in the first ressurrection), wheat needs to be threshed (Christians raised in the general ressurrection and saved so as by fire) and grapes that need treading under foot to produce their bounty (sound familiar?).
So we have 3 harvests/feasts that prophecy of 3 events… here’s Paul again…
Parentheses are my comments.
‘But each in his own order - First christ the firstfruits (possibly not Jesus himself as he had already been raised when this was written - but could just as well mean the annointed firstfruits, the overcomers or the Barley harvest of sons), **then those that are Christ’s at his coming **(the rest of the Christians who never made it to be overcomers, corresponding to the Wheat harvest). **Then the end **(the 3rd and last harvest of grapes that need crushing)’ It’s after the 3rd and final set that Paul goes on to describe rebels being put under Jesus’s feet (just like grapes). There seems no point in using the term each in his own order (or squadron as it can be translated) for just jesus and then all Christians. It makes far more sense in the light of the prophetic feasts of Israel.
Also remember during the Old Testament if the firstfruits were accepted then the entire harvest was acceptable to God; so what does that say about Jesus’s sacrifice as a perfect firstfruit (he died at the time of the Wave Sheaf offering at passover).
I’ll stop there except to ask one more question - do you know anything of the law of Jubilee (which is abundantly described in the Bible)?