That is exactly what I did!
I was going to start my reply on that day with exactly the quote you provided from The Problem of Evil.
However, and much to my delight, when I signed on that morning, I found you had already provided that very quote in your reply to my post from the previous day!
You see, I am very careful and deliberate in my replies because I am baring my heart. This means that my posts take a great deal of time to write. So, for finding our thoughts aligned through your selection of that quote, I sped things up a bit and just replied within the quote.
I wouldn’t call it a new literary style, rather it is just something that can be done for our using computers to communicate.
Please know, Randy, that I have benefited greatly from your request to reply. My replies challenge me to carefully examine my typing to ensure that my words are accurately conveying my heart. Therefore, my heart and I have become better acquainted. Thank you.
Randy, when I thought about what first came to my heart as a reply to this statement, I realized I needed to consider it carefully, lest I be labeled unfavorably, and thus be ignored.
It took a day, but, as I wrote out the thought, I realized that, as subjective as it is, it might still be beneficial in helping someone to realize that there is a great reality beyond this world, and that it is truly not to be compared with the suffering of this present age.
When I was between marriages and shortly before I met my second wife, when I was free to think about how good it was going to be to get to fall in love all over again, I had a vivid dream wherein I saw the Kingdom of God on a New Earth. Sunshine was everywhere and there were no clouds; weather, as we know it, just did not exist. Moderate temperatures meant everyone wore fanciful, diaphanous and colorful clothing. Respect for the glory in our sexuality made the appreciation of human beauty a thing of beauty itself because all human beings were beautiful to behold! And, human beings were good, all of them! It seemed that, to think of men and women as, “from a race,” was a non-sequitur. Some human beings had been alive for over a thousand years! Everyone worked in some aspect of every art; they painted and wrote and sculpted and performed in plays about good things, and performed in shows of incredible acrobatic skill, and made music and danced. Many were multi-talented because that long-life span encouraged the learning of many disciplines, including the sciences. Any who enjoyed athletics competed in serious games of challenge and skill, followed by jesting that came from hearts filled with the love and appreciation of any one human being for any other. Strength never failed and creativity was unfettered in all.
Homes were open things of individuality and pride, ever expanding over endless land. Children were deliberate acts of creation brought into existence by parents who dedicated themselves to their children’s upbringing because marriages were age-lasting, passionate and satisfying things for each being respectful of gender. A marriage could result in several new families being raised by one couple! Fertility seemed under the control of the will because sex was under the control of the soul and no soul sinned.
Food and water was never a problem and all types of beverages were readily available because fruit trees and edible plants flourished with only a little care and the Earth kept the water pure as it came up from beneath the ground into pools; and there was that wide, wide river of water so pure it was almost invisible as it meandered throughout the land. The preparation of food and drink was a daily delight, creatively prepared, then shared by all with all, with no thought given to preservation. Laughter was easy, and it was everywhere.
Technology was present, and it was fantastic for being in harmony with nature. Men and women built incredible structures of great purpose, beauty and design; machines, used to transport people and goods and to process resources for creative purpose, worked on principals that seemed organic.
But, the best part of my dream were the joyful Seventh-day concerts; fifty-two concerts a year! Attended by The Redeemed from the previous eon and transmitted all over the world, it was a true honor for artists and musicians and poets and performers to be invited into New Jerusalem and present before the King and His Bride!
And, oh! That smile on His face!
“Behold! The dwelling place of God is with men,” echoed at each turn through my dream.
Okay. There it is.
I am wondering, though, because I really wouldn’t know, does that dream make me mystic? For, most certainly, this dream affects my perceptions in the here and now.
I noticed. If there be anything of goodness, dwell on it!
Well, you certainly get around! Sounds like something of great value. Cherish it.
May that come to be the reality of existence in all of us.
There is something pragmatic in everything I’ve typed out on this forum. My hope, then, in baring my heart as I have done, is to discover if it resonates with any other hearts posting on this forum. Living from the heart is the most pragmatic thing we do because we can’t help but live from our heart! And, don’t you know, we need other human beings to help us appreciate that what we see in others is in us, also - and that what we see in ourselves is present in others.
So, be good!