Greetings Prince Lev Nikolaevich Myshkin
What a great discussion you’ve started here. No messing around worrying about the true meaning of aionios and other such trivia. You cut straight to the philosophical chase. I like it!
I’d agree with what Steve (alecforbes) and you have said about the necessity of epistemic distance for both Arminianism and Universalism. (There’s no point trying to adduce epistemic distance as necessary for preserving human freedom under Calvinism, of course, because under that odious theology there is no human freedom.)
I have had long discussions with my good friend Andrew (posts here under the handle WE ARE ALL BROTHERS), as well as with Steve and others, about whether or not this divine ‘concession’ to human freedom is ‘a price worth paying’, given the vast extent of pain and suffering in creation. It’s something, as I’m sure you know, that Dostoyevsky treats at great length in The Brothers Karamazov. The position I have come to, after great deliberation, kind of echoes Ivan Karamazov’s - “its not God that I don’t accept, Alyosha, only I most respectfully return him the ticket”. Sort of. By which I mean I do ‘accept God’, but when it comes to the suffering of the innocent, I find all theodocies inadequate, but the Universalist theodicy - under which all things are restored and reconciled to God in the eschaton, and all pain and suffering is somehow translated into glory - the least inadequate.
I hate labels, and profess no denominational allegiance. I describe myself as a ‘hopeful dogmatic Arminian Christian Universalist’:
‘hopeful’ because I hope that God exists
‘dogmatic’ because I believe that if God does exist, Universalism is necessarily true
‘Arminian’ because I believe in genuine free will (as necessary to theodicy, among other things)
‘Christian’ because I believe Christ as attested in the Gospels is the Son of God (I think ‘religion’ - orthodox ‘Christianity’ - stinks)
‘Universalist’ because I believe, as implied above, that it is logically impossible for God to damn any of his creatures eternally
Welcome to the forum. Look forward to getting to know you better.
All the best