Hi Andrew
Thanks for your excellent review, and for bringing Derek, his blog and his book to our attention. Have just posted on the other thread to thank Derek himself - his writings have been a huge inspiration to me over the years.
As Cindy says, you write superbly. Why *not *write a book, my friend?! I’ve done it. Twice. Both works of fiction that I feel quite sure would one day be looked back on in the way we now look back on, say, *The Catcher in the Rye *or *The Pickwick Papers *- stupendous first novels that have had a seminal impact on the world. Or at least they would have been, had the ignoramuses who run the British publishing industry not had the blindly stupid temerity to send them both back with ‘rejected’ stamped across them in large red letters! 
Actually, Andrew, writing a book is bloody hard work. And I should imagine writing a *good *one is even harder! 
And I’m with you on the typos thing. I have to go back and re-edit my posts if I find I’ve put a comma in the wrong place. Must be some literary version of OCD! 
Peace and love to you sir