The Evangelical Universalist Forum

How To Live Under An Unqualified President by John Piper

I respect that. My main point, including my main illustrations of the Clinton and Trump impeachments,
is that what most separates folk is not doubt about the facts, but perceptions of when this is justified.

Indeed, that, as illustrated in the present, who sees wrongs as serious enough to challenge this way
will break along Partisan lines. So those who already appreciated Trump’s efforts will say “No.”
Those who already had a jaundiced view of him will likely say “Yes.”

Yes that’s called being Partisan.

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The BBC has a “beginners” road map, in the past 3 hours. :crazy_face:

Trump may have been mean to prior Ukranian Ambassador Yavanovich and i must say that does sound impeachable! Trump said “she is going through some things” and that made her feel threatened!! Impeach Trump!!

For what it’s worth, I’ll offer one or two comments from this side of the 49th. The charade unfolding in Washington fills me with sadness. I have never seen such displays of spleen and spite as those that have consumed most, not all, of the Democrats ever since Donald Trump was elected President.

1 Peter 2:1 (KJV) “Wherefore laying aside all malice, and all guile, and hypocrisies, and envies, and all evil speakings”

That standard is hard enough for us believers to live up to. To do so is apparently not easy for many politicians on both sides of the aisle but obviously impossible for Schiff, Nadler and several others on the political left.

They serve a different God, his name is “Power”

They care more about taking down a president, which they’ve been bent on since day 1, than solve the countries problems. There are none I dislike more right now than the Democrats and people like Colin Kaepernick.


I don’t have much use for the Democrat Party as such, at least not the current iteration, nor the Republican for that matter, but thoughtful members of either party get my respect. I respect Bob, for instance, I think we all do. But there are a lot of Dems that unthinkingly follow every single Party talking point no matter how silly and grandiose.
As I’ve opined, the stakes here are above Party lines. No zombie political views will address the crisis at hand.

What’s new in the BBC news today? :crazy_face:

No, being mean is irrelevant. What I find relevant in today’s testimony, is the evidence that Trump did not actually care about faithful efforts to end Ukrainian corruption (only about his own election), and indeed would participate in Giuliani’s smear of an ambassador working hard on stopping corruption
who had never even received any critique of her efforts to do that from anyone in power over her.

I also perceive Trump’s effort to tweet out crazy defamations of witnesses while they are testifying is one of many efforts to intimidate anyone willing to obey a Constitutional summons, that he will do anything to trash their reputation, even though Trump has recently said that to his knowledge this ambassador is a “good person,” and that he knows little more about her.

I think effort to intimidate witnesses is wrong and exposes Trump’s instinctive fear of anyone with first hand accounts being willing to testify what they know under oath.

Opinions , you have yours, i have mine, she has hers, Trump has his! Clear 100% politically motivated to catch emotions at the right time for the cameras.

Also she was not even fired, just transfered! She has a 6 figure job plus gets paid from a University & said she disagreed with Trump’s policies!

Exactly why is this complete nonsense on national TV? Oh i forgot, political gain, they think.

Do we really believe we should impeach a President because of disagreements with him?
Do we believe we should elect a President Biden who has actually done what DT is falsely accused of?
Should we go after Obama for the egregious abuse of power in the Ukraine?

I say no to all the above.
And that’s not even thinking about the stain on the dress, for cryin’ out loud…

Good point! He discovered America and not merely what is now “United States.”

In his discovery, he first landed in what is now called “Brazil” and “The West Indies.”

Did you know Ken Starr knew about the stain before Clinton and could have enticed him to lie but chose to tell Clinton about it instead of asking. I’m sure the Dems would afford Trump the same courtesy!


Here’s the latest from the BBC news. :crazy_face:

Hey,Hey I’m all shook up!

Yes I agree that her same testimony can lead us to differing perceptions of her credibility and character. I did not see her pretty well controlled “emotions” as relevant to my perception or what Trump did.
