The Evangelical Universalist Forum

How To Live Under An Unqualified President by John Piper

Thanks for that complete diss, Randy.

Well here’s a few more I am pointing to. Geez, these are ‘facts’ but - so what?? … trump-won/

So you’ve been telling us all along not to take you seriously, then. Now I get it. Took me a while.

It’s the wisdom of fools, Dave. I have seen it in the Holy Fools tradition, Heyoka tradition of the Native American Lakota, those of the Sufi and Eastern traditions, Zen masters, etc.

On the surface, you laugh at life. And don’t take things serious. But if you watch and observe, you might find some gold nuggets, buried with the fools gold. Like in the Nasruddin stories at :smiley:

Since the majority of U.S. citizens voted for Hillary, does this mean that the majority of U.S. citizens are hateful?

It doesn’t mean anything. The spewing of hatred is now coming from the Dems - most of whom seem to live in California, which is one reason to be thankful for the Electoral College, which the Dems loved until Trump whipped 'em.
Hillary tried to win the Electoral College, she got beat instead. If elections were based on popular vote, Trump would still have won, because he would have campaigned FOR the popular vote. Hillary was and is a wreck, politically, and was not a good candidate.

Don’t misunderstand me - the GOP is a bunch of bumbling idiots, but the Dems are just borderline nuts.

From TownHall:

Democrats are still licking their wounds, their supporters are still shell shocked over President-elect Donald Trump’s upset win over Clinton, and they keep peddling the myth that Clinton won the popular vote. They also say that because a majority didn’t vote for Trump, he doesn’t have a mandate either. Enter Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-OR) (via The Hill):

Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.) blasted Donald Trump on Thursday, saying the president-elect doesn’t have a mandate for his “politics of hate and division.”
“I think most people conclude that the fact that he lost the popular vote is so disturbing to the president-elect because he wants to claim a mandate, but he cannot claim a mandate because a majority of Americans voted against him,” Merkley said.

Circling back to Clinton, she leads Trump 48/46 in the popular vote right now. Is that a majority? No, it’s a plurality. Clinton didn’t win the majority of the popular vote, and the majority of Americans didn’t vote for her. The majority did think she was a liar, dishonest, and untrustworthy, which probably explains why she wasn’t able to break through with voters and energize them in the same manner as the president-elect. Moreover, the popular vote isn’t how we decide who is president. As sitting lawmakers, I would’ve hoped they would know that it’s the Electoral College, a system in which candidates must wage a national campaign to win the electors from each respective state. If it were decided by popular vote, the snobby, insufferable bastions of progressivism on the Left Coast and the liberal Northeast would be the only places where candidates would campaign. That’s not how you keep a country together. Second, Trump did win a majority…of the states. The GOP retained control of Congress, has over 4,100 lawmakers elected into state and local legislatures (the most in the party’s history), has control of 33 governorships; and has control of 69/99 state legislatures. In 25 states, it’s a unified Republican state government. We’re the dominant political force in the country. Democrats are now reduced to their coastal and urban strongholds. I think we have a mandate…in the areas that matter when gauging who won an election.

Thank you for pointing that out, Dave. After writing that the majority voted for Clinton, I thought I might be wrong. So I searched the internet and could not find statistics that stated otherwise. Okay, doubtless you’re right that it was not a majority. However 48% of all U.S. citizens is almost half. It’s still an awful lot of people who have voted for a “hateful” party. If the Democratic Party is hateful, and 48% voted that way, then if they, themselves are not hateful like their Party, then what are they? Ignorant?

It depends on what you mean by ‘ignorant’. If by that you mean an unquestioning and uncritical acceptance of a Narrative, then yes, most people who voted for Hil were ignorant. I prefer ‘misled’ because I know a number of those people and they are a smart as anyone else, and as caring as anyone else. They held their noses and voted Hillary. Why? Because they believed a lie. How could they help but do so? There was one TV station - Fox, that tried to be fair - that was reviled by the liar-in-chief himself, Obama, publicly and often, and also reviled day after day after day by almost all other media. So they would not listen to Fox.

I was in the dentist’s office one morning, waiting for my appointment, just me, and I changed the waiting room tv channel to Fox. Another person checked in, sat down, and groaned OH NO NOT **** FOX! I asked why they would want to listen to lies and fabrication as put forth by the other stations - it was CNN - and got a look of amazement. It also happened, just that way, while I was waiting for an oil change. AND THOSE PEOPLE HAD NEVER WATCHED FOX!!! That is ignorance - but that is what they were being fed, all the time.

Dems do well in high-population, dense city environs. Why? When many of those cities, run by dems for decades, are rotting, falling apart, becoming desolate? Because they did not want to vote for the Devil. Even though the dems had ruined cities, still, the other side was the Devil, a bunch of moronic islamaphobes, immigrant haters, anti-women, anti-gay, - or as Hillary said, a bunch of deplorables. That’s a hateful remark. But you hear it often enough, it has an effect.

And remember - Trump won the most STATES.

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From waka waka waka:

Hillary Clinton supporters: let’s not hear a lot of whingeing, please, about how your gal “won the popular vote”. Leaving aside the most obvious response — that in this federal republic it is, by careful design, the States that elect the President, and not the mob — your argument depends upon the assumption of an unprovable counterfactual, namely the implicit assertion that she would have won the popular vote even if there were no Electoral College. This article explains why the notion is irrelevant.

Speaking of the mob, they are now having a tantrum, massing themselves in various urban centers (and blocking highways) to protest — what, exactly? What are their demands?

and I changed the waiting room tv channel to Fox. Another person checked in, sat down, and groaned OH NO NOT **** FOX! I asked why they would want to listen to lies and fabrication as put forth by the other stations - it was CNN - and got a look of amazement.

Normal intelligent people find it incomprehensible that a slew of media outlets ALL could be fabricating stories because traditionally they would have had to be colluding which is not believable. But it doesn’t work that way today in the year 2017. On my i-phone i get tweets from Fox,Wash Post, NY Times,CNN ,MSNBC etc all instantly and the left wing outlets simply copy each other so if one fabricates a story then they all do. I know this because i receive the same stories from the various outlets within a minute.
Story - “Trump fires Comey because he asked for more funding to follow the Trump/Russia investigation” The truth was told by Andrew Mcabe the Acting FBI Director testifying before Congress that no additional funding was needed or requested and funding is not asked for individual cases.

Was a correction made by any of the leftist media outlets? Did Japan win WW2?

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QAZ, I stopped reading your contributions on this thread way back when. I can guess what you’re saying. I can guess you have not read any of the links but , as Randy points out, anybody can throw links out there, whether they are to facts or not, does not seem to matter to .Randy or …well, a certain group.
I’m just happy that, after 8 years of ‘us’ putting up with the attempted destruction of much of the American way (you remember - ‘He’ wanted to fundamentally transform the hated United States) and not rioting, not crying in safe places, not closing down universities when the opposition was scheduled to speak, not closing off roads in a hissy fit, not being ‘snowflakes’ - we can fight back at all the B.S. and maybe make some progress.

It’s a ‘cold civil war’ now and I hope it calms down, but with the nutty Leftists trying to tear everything down, and they never sleep nor slumber, I think things are going to get worse.

I think folks will wise up. I’m sure more folks will vote Democrats in Congress, in a couple of years. And the Democrats, will have a much better candidate than Hillary - in 4 years. Not that I’m a Democrat, mind you. I’m really an independent. But I think this is how the 'cosmic cards", will play themselves out. Unless Trump makes some exceptionally, good moves.

And if the “cosmic cards” play right, what will happen to Trump? He will write a book, go on speaking tours, be interviewed by the “liberal media” and continue to make money - as a billionaire. And share on Twitter, all the mistakes, of the** then** current administration. Perhaps even get his own TV and/or radio show. And be more popular than Howard Stern and Rush Limbaugh - put together :exclamation: :wink:

WEll I think the populace did ‘wise up’ this last election. I’m no fan of either party, but I do believe that IF the economy really starts to ‘lift all ships’, the GOP , idiots that most of them are, will stay in power for a good stretch.
Really, there aren’t any good Dem candidates on the scene right now either.

BTW, the Federalist Papers show that the Founders were well aware that democracies do not last long; they built as many safeguards into the system as they could, but they recognized that the DOI/Constitution would only work if the nation was composed of industrious, well-meaning and good people. IN their estimation, not very possible, but much better than totalitarianism.

Lets’ consider Trump’s own words as to “one of the reasons” he fired Comey:

Trump has nothing to fear from the truth, but he does from fake news.
We did not hear much outrage when Hillary sold a lot of U.S. uranium to Russia, did we? Why? … tory-sham/

And it’s clear that Russia would have benefitted from Obama 2.0 (Hillary) much more than from a Trump win.

An article of real substance

Well, based upon Wiki at, it says this:

Why can’t I just pull a Steve and David here, and say this publication suffers from “conservative bias” :question: :laughing:

You said it, qaz. That’s it exactly.

No that’s not right, and I’m surprised at you, Don.
The fact is there has been much fake news aka lies - I linked to a bunch but who cares, right? And the Breitbart web link - more fact, but who cares?
Much easier to moan about Trump, before you see what he actually accomplishes.

And damn, how many times do I have to say a pox on BOTH parties?? I’d like the truth, that’s it plain and simple. I don’t care who is right or wrong - do you??