The Evangelical Universalist Forum

How To Live Under An Unqualified President by John Piper

I’m not unaware. btw, that the man had major flaws. But part of my bias is to pick things that he said positive about America, and to ignore some other stuff. Such as:

Here’s one of his typical condemnations that I also grew up with: “King wrote that Jesus was godlike, but not God. People called Jesus divine because they “found God in him” like a divinely inspired teacher, not because he literally was God.”


The legal superstars want a quick decision. :crazy_face:


Here’s a good summary, from the BBC: :crazy_face:

I like this short BBC video. It’s from the perspective, of two movie reviewers - going to review a film. :crazy_face:


“Senator Warren is a gifted storyteller.”

This is a direct quotation from the NYT’s endorsement of two, count 'em two, presidential candidates, Elizabeth Warren and Amy Klobuchar. With their hilarious line, the editors unwittingly betrayed the Left’s concern for the narrative, the story, above all else, even if the story is false as it is in the case of the wannabe Cherokee maiden. For the culturally Marxist Left, there is no truth, only stories and identity-tribal perspectives which either do or do not enhance the power of the tribe. And because there is no truth, there is no reality, in particular no biological reality. A pale face who identifies as a redskin is one, and a squaw who identifies as a brave is one." - BV

Tucker: "“Democrats aren’t promising change — they want revolution,” he said. “Centuries of American history and custom, abolished. A nation starting over from scratch. Year zero. That’s what they’re calling for. Most people aren’t for it. They may be frustrated with the state of the country. They may be anxious about the future. But they don’t hate America. They don’t want to topple George Washington and implement Maoism. They’re conservative in the most basic sense: they love their families above all. They distrust radical theories of anything because they know that when the world turns upside down, ordinary people get hurt. They don’t want to burn it down. They just want things to get better. The candidate who promises to make them better — incrementally, but tangibly — will be inaugurated president a year from today.”

That’s how I too hear Tucker generalize about all of us who don’t always vote GOP. It’s crazy.

Well, things could be much worse - than the Trump impeachment saga. Look what the online Weekly World News just reported. :smiley:

Schiff wants new ‘witnesses’? To what? He knew about them before and didn’t have them in to the House ‘trial’?
No - there are no witnesses because there has been no crime - that’s been established.
What Schiff wants are gov’t employees or ex-employees who are disgruntled and don’t like Pres. That is NOT ‘being a witness’.
This House behavior is a despicable sham, beginning to end. I think everyone is beginning to finally see that.

I’ve got a sore head watching this TV charade. What a smooth-talking creep is Adam Schiff. He has been preparing his speech for weeks after presiding over a sham trial in secret. Now he claims the Senate is as corrupt as he demonstrated he is.

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Another view: there are no witnesses because Trump threatens to fire those closest to him and the events in question if they tell his side of the story. Such confidence in his innocence and a GOP Senate majority!

Once again Bob, you know this how?? Your objectivity just flows out from your nostrils.

I’m sorry I’m unfamiliar with this expression. Can you explain it?

My perception is based on observing the president repeatedly state that he won’t allow them to testify about what he has done (claiming it sets a bad precedent). I’ve also watched him repeatedly fire cabinet members that he find not compliant enough with his preferences. Do you have a different explanation for why Mulvaney, Barr, etc have been unwilling to testify or defend what Trump did under oath?

How does one know this without any witnesses?

It strikes me as ironic that a thread starting out with the question of 'how to live under a (morally) unqualified President, has eventuated by him being attacked by those who really ARE unfit to govern, while he has proven, so far, to be trustworthy to his promises. Funny.

Well, we need to catch and run with the football - where it currently is located. :crazy_face:

Perhaps we need to focus on current questions - as the BBC does. :crazy_face:

The Saudi king is in the news again. :crazy_face:

And on the science front. :crazy_face:

In the spirit of balanced reporting, I’ll share a non-impeachment story…from the online Weekly World News. :crazy_face:

These are the people the Democrats are running against an immoral DT? Really?