Clearly more lies, because you continue to do so, quite comfortably by all appearances.
Only one lie there.
Aaron Curry was banned for a year back on Jan 15. His ban was not going to be lifted until Jan 15, 2013, and then only if he met certain criteria by providing acceptable samples of his behavior on other forums in the meanwhile. His ban has not been lifted.
Even if he had been telling the truth about accidentally thinking his ban had been lifted early without anyone telling him (and the evidence indicates he was not telling the truth about that), he has repeatedly and very intentionally continued violating his ongoing ban in this thread.
Had he simply reregistered with a new username (which had been banned by RevDrew but not the email or ip address) and emailed me a copy of his original post and reply to Cindy (which had been deleted by RevDrew because, logically, AARON WAS STILL BANNED AND NOT ALLOWED TO POST), I would have posted those for him. I even went to the trouble of explaining that even when he tried to sneak back on forum in the past we let his attempts to do so stand, although of course we still kept the ban in effect by rebanning his new accounts.
That’s freakishly charitable. No other forum I know of would allow a banned member’s attempt at getting around a ban stand for commentary. Their posts would be deleted along with any new thread they tried to create. Which of course is why RevDrew, following entirely normal and logical moderator protocols elsewhere, deleted AC’s original post and first reply to Cindy.
But since in the past we’ve allowed his attempts to get back on around a ban to stand for commentary, I was willing to let this attempt stand too (without lifting the ban). I couldn’t invite him to resend the material privately, because that would be going directly against THE WHOLE POINT OF BANNING SOMEONE (thus going against my own ad/mod team).
As it happens he did email that material to me privately. No more than one minute before he went ahead and posted it himself anyway.
Even then I was willing to let it stand–but that doesn’t mean the ban was lifted. So logically I rebanned his account. (Or one of the other ad/mods beat me to it, I don’t recall right now.)
Yes, that means people could comment on his post while he couldn’t reply. If he didn’t want that, he shouldn’t have posted them up while he was still banned. EVEN SO I tried to shield him a little by reminding members that it wouldn’t be fair to challenge him personally while he couldn’t reply, nor to think he had been scared off by a strength of reply.
But he keeps on re-registering under new emails and new ip addresses.
That is outright internet troll behavior.
So: before last night, due to his flagrantly impenitent persistence, Aaron had already lost permission to reapply in mid-Jan 2013, and had already lost permission to reapply at any scheduled time, and had already lost permission to reapply at all, as well as lost any protection a few of the ad/mods (specifically me) were willing to grant him.
Henceforth he will be treated as a spammer, since he insists on acting that way, and any new posts will be outright deleted (as well as his accounts rebanned).
Members should be warned that attempts to reply to new posts from him will probably also be deleted. You may comment on, and reply to him, on posts he has already made, here or on other threads, but not on further posts from him.
(This ruling may be modified by a quorum ad/mod agreement later, after we’ve discussed whether it’s too harsh.)