Understanding the context of the warnings Jesus spoke is important. At first we hear those warnings in the context of the false teachings religious organizations have promoted for centuries- against a twisted backdrop of God eventually destroying or eternally tormenting almost everyone.
When heard in the context of a reproof to religious hypocrites and rulers, against a backdrop(overall perspective) of God eventually redeeming, reconciling and restoring everyone who ever lived, along with the entire creation- the harshness and fearsome aspect of Jesus begins to evolve into something else entirely.
Jesus taught, essentially, that we were to love God with all our hearts, expressed through loving our neighbor as ourselves. His warnings were for those who prey upon others, manipulate others, ignore the needs of others. Those who walk in the love of God do not need to fear those warnings, but still the warnings are necessary even for those who walk in that love, because we all need to watch out for the tendency to fall into self-centeredness.
There is a consequence for rejecting the love of God. It is a consequence sufferred in the heart, soul and mind of the violator, in various ways. Jesus is still praying tho, “Forgive them Father, they don’t know what they are doing”, and for those who experience that forgiveness, the healing has already begun. Eventually all will be healed, “For every knee shall bow, whether in heaven, or on earth or under the earth, and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father.”