[This series is part of Section Three, Creation and the Second Person. An index with links to all parts of the work as they are posted can be found [url=https://forum.evangelicaluniversalist.com/t/jrps-bite-sized-metaphysics-series-302/1218/1]here.]
I’ve been fighting off a head-cold, not very successfully, for more than a week now; and the lack of energy left over has put me behind in posting these series. Which wouldn’t be so bad except I’m trying to get done by Easter.
Consequently, in order to catch up from last week, I’m going to link to the corresponding entries at the Cadre Journal that I’ve already posted up over there last week. The text is the same currently updated 3rd edition; only the formatting may be a little different. Hopefully I’ll come back later when I have more time and energy and repost the material here. (Probably sometime after Easter though.)
This past week would have featured three series constituting Chapter 29, “Resolving The Grand Paradox”.
The second part, Series 311, is “relational creation”. This builds on the previous material to pull together several topics connecting the relation of the Son to the Father (the 2nd and 1st Persons of God, God Self-Begotten and God Self-Begetting); the relation of God (especially in the 2nd Person) to a created system of Nature; and how the personal relation of the Son to the Father could be reiterated (in a “minor key” as Lewis would say) in a created system of Nature.