I’ll add in chad … does anyone have quotes for Augstine and Jerome showing their former universalism? Or are people waiting for Ramelli’s book?
don’t worry about having a break, sobornost, you deserve one!
I’ll add in chad … does anyone have quotes for Augstine and Jerome showing their former universalism? Or are people waiting for Ramelli’s book?
don’t worry about having a break, sobornost, you deserve one!
Doing a search for Ramelli on the forum will fairly quickly turn up a copy of her paper on Augustine’s former universalism. This is now being marketed as one of the surprises of her new book!
(Note: when checking Beecher for mention of Jerome–as he is rather more careful than Hanson–I noticed a reference to Marcellus of Ancyra, who around 330 wrote against some of Origen’s ideas about the Trinity, but Beecher regarded Marcellus as clearly a universalist himself.)
As for Jerome, Beecher in his “History of Retribution” argues from pages 261-266 that the historian Eusebius (who taught with Origen at the Caesarean seminary) remained a universalist throughout his career; and that Jerome, originally a fan of Origen, early held the universal salvation of all, including of the devil though not the return of the devil to his original authority, but then modified this over time and from pressure to first reject the salvation of rational intelligences other than humans, and then to reject the salvation of all humans, although he still held to the belief that most humans would be saved even though purgative punishment might be required for a long period before they let go their sins.
Beecher is usually more careful about such things than Hanson; but Hanson (in First Five Centuries, p.63) adds commentary (from Jerome) on Jonah 2:6, to the effect that Christ “was shut up in aeonian bars in order that he might set free all who had been shut up”.
(Hanson quotes Eusebius on some portions Beecher does not, such as a comment on Psalm 2 with reference to Jeremiah 18:6, p.204, which comports with my appeals to Jeremiah, i.e. that God shatters the pottery to remold it properly. Hanson’s largest commentary and quotation set from Jerome is from pp.262 to 268.)
While I am on Hanson: Hilary, Bishop of Poictiers (?) until death in 368, translator of Origen, Hanson quotes strongly on the universal salvation of humanity and of lost angels, pp 249-250.
It was because of Ramelli’s article and presentation that I put their names on the list - and created the category just for them But I wan’t able to get anything really direct from the article - I might need to read through it again (I think there’s refs - but I need the actual quotes themselves). Or I could be patient and wait til someone gets the book! Prob get real clear quotes and refs then.
I would include Dean Hough under Universalism. Has done much of the translation work for Concordant Old Testament, (I think about 40 years of tough slogging)
E.W. Bullinger, and C.H. Welch should both go under annihilationism, although Bullinger possibly as hopeful Universalist. I remember reading something about him communicating with Knoch on the subject, and was open to the concept if it was approached from the standpoint of the ages. I think Knoch was to send him some information, but then Bullinger died.
Hi Puddy,
thanks for the info. I don’t know know who those people are, I’m afraid
Are you able to provide a short bio snippet and a quote for those people?
Hi Pog - I’m still a bit worn out, but I can tell you that the above names are connected with Concordant Publishing and Ethelbert Bullinger was an ultra dispensationalist (and English Anglican clergyman) who was a friend of A.E. Knoch. The Concordant universalists grew out of the Plymouth Brethren and have distinctive teachings about end times prophecy and the ‘two gospels’ along with a belief in universal salvation; and their major work is the Concordant translation of the Bible. I think quite a lot of the modern names on Rodger’s snippets are from a Concordant background.
Here’s someone else worth including from an article that Matt posted -
There is quite a difference in theology between Welch and Knoch. Dean Hough is Concordant, and is indespensible to the translation work of the Concordant translation. Many of the articles in the Unsearchable Riches magazine are written by him. I will see about putting together some info about Dean. — So how are you dick?
I’m fine Puddy - are you ‘Puddy’s gab and grill’ Puddy? Its’ lovely to hear from you anyway - but if you are gab and grill it’s lovely to hear from you again . Do you know if Ray Prinzing was connected with Concordant publishing? I think Adlai Loudy and Arthur Charles Lamb were/are?
Jason - here’s one you might be interested in -
Just recently, the Greek Orthodox priest and scholar, Father Ambrosios Giakalis, in his ‘Images of the Divine: The Theology of Icons at the Seventh Ecumenical Council’ has chided certain modern Russian Orthodox theologians (with roots in the Slavophile movement), notable Christians and surely not Origenists, such as Vladimir Lossky and Father Georges Florovsky, for finding universal restoration implied in the Theology of the Icon, thereby allegedly reviving the condemned teaching of Origen.
The icon foreshadows, here and now, the glorification of mankind of the Eighth Day – not only mankind but all of Creation. The small wooden board, the egg yolk base paint, - the symbol of the triple world – holy water diluting coloured paste are the humble beginnings of the substantial Redemption that should operate during the Apocatastasis. For by becoming flesh. Christ made the metamorphosis and the deification of the physical world itself possible. 109
Returning to the Essential: Selected Writings of Jean Biès
By Jean Bies
Yes, I am the Gab & Grill guy. Is all well? I know Aldlai Loudy was connected with concordant. I am not sure about the other names. Loudy’s ‘Eonion Purpose’ is one of his popular writings. He died quite awhile ago. I think these older men, such as Knoch and Loudy would be disappointed with what they see today. Zender told me they had a fervent spirit and took the message of God’s grace everywhere. As for me, I am a bumbling clown!
So I am concerned. You say you are still worn out? Did something happen my friend?
Really nice to hear from YOU.
space saving
P.S. As well as his use of Bengel, Wesley loved Henry Brooke’s ‘A Fool of Quality’ so much that he published his own editions (it would be nice to know if he edited out the Universalist affirmations). He wrote a poem in praise of Clement of Alexandria. He broke with his old spiritual advisor William Law when Law became a universalist complaining that the Gospel was diminished without the ‘scorchings’ – but later in life he was sure that William Law was saved. He edited Tillotson’s sermons for his Christian library despite the scandal that attached to Tillotson for questioning the inevitability of God’s threatenings. He also edited the writings of the Quaker Barclay for his Christian library- Barclay was the least universalistic of the early Quakers but still set his hope very wide. According to Southey’s biography he was always perturbed by the damantory clauses in the Athanasian creed… One of these days it might be worth stating a minor thread on Wesley - because I know the topic of whether he was a universalist is often discussed on universalist websites. There are a number of thing sit would be good to know -
I’ve already mentioned Wesley’s edition of ‘A Fool of Quality’ (what did he edit out?)
Whitfield wrote to Wesley telling him that Wesley’s Moravian Brethren associate Peter Bohler - who was evangelising in America - had secretly expressed his universalism and that Wesley should beware that Bohler was using Armenian logic to arrive at this heresy. It would be good to see Wesley’s reply.
It is often stated - as a knock down argument against Wesley having any sympathy for or tolerance of universalism - that John Murray was expelled from the Methodists in America because of his universalism. My question would be, for starters, whether this expulsion was from Whitfield’s’ Calvinist school of Methodism or from Wesley’s Armenian school (presumably since Murray’s from of universalism stresses determinism he was expelled from Whitfield’s’ Methodists – but I’m unclear about how far the two wings were distinct or collaborative)
I’ve seen a source concerning Wesley and Sir James Stonehouse who was Wesley’s friend as an undergraduate and later published a defence of universalism. It records a supposed conversation between the two after the book was published in which Wesley is supposed to have said that he would have hoped that Stonehouse would not live long enough to publish the book. I’m certain that Wesley would not have approved of the book – but this does not sound like the sort of thing he would say. The source seems doubtful on other grounds l – it gets James Stonehouse’s name wrong and calls him ‘Sir George Stonehouse…’
Oh well it’s an interesting one (I guess for any Methodist Universalists). Any request and I’d start a minor thread on it.
I’ve updated the list with your entries, sobornost. Thanks again - and please, feel free to take a break! You’ve earned it!
I’ve cobbled together an entry under Convinced Universalist for Ernest Martin, maybe someone who know more than me could give it a once-over? Also, are other members of ASK likewise universalist? Maybe someone can push some names my way?
I’ve put name place-holders for Dean Hough under Convinced Universalist; and E.W. Bullinger and C.H. Welch under annihilationist. Can someone point me towards their bios and some quotes? And, again, if anyone knows stuff about the Concordant Publishing concern maybe they could push info this way?
In a few weeks I’m planning on giving the lists a bit of an overhaul - ready for the next big influx of names
I’m thinking of a new format divided first by era, then by category, with tradition underlined for ease of visual search. An example:
[size=150]Modern (death post 1900)[/size]
Convinced Universalists
Abbé Mugnier, Arthur (1853-1944), French Catholic priest famous for taking part in the social and literary life of Paris, and nicknamed “the apostle of letters and forgiveness”:
Upon being asked if he believed in hell he replied - “Yes, because it is the dogma of the Church—but I don’t believe anyone is in it” (xxxx, p.x).
Hopeful Universalists (Strong)
Buechner, (Carl) Frederick (1926-), ordained Presbytarian minister, American Academy and Institute of Arts and Letters recognised author, theologian, and Pulitzer Prize finalist:
‘Dante saw written over the gates of hell the words “Abandon all hope ye who enter here,” but he must have seen wrong. If there is suffering life in hell, there must also be hope in hell, because where there is life there is the Lord and giver of life; and where there is suffering he is there too, because the suffering of the ones he loves is also his suffering. “He descended into hell,” the Apostles’ Creed says, and “If I make my bed in Sheol, thou art there,” says the Psalmist (139:8). It seems there is no depth to which he will not sink. Maybe not even Old Scratch will be able to hold out against him forever’ (Beyond Words, p.158).
Hopeful Universalists (Weak)
Paul II, Pope John - Karol Józef Wojtyła (1920-2005), 264th Pope of the **Roman Catholic **church:
‘Eternal damnation remains a possibility, but we are not granted, without special divine revelation, the knowledge of whether or which human beings are effectively involved in it’ (General Audience of July 28, 1999).
Pluralist Universalists
Hick, John (1922-2012), eminent theologian, Vice-President of the British Society for the Philosophy of Religion, Vice-President of The World Congress of Faiths, Danforth Professor of the Philosophy of Religion at the Claremont Graduate University, California, H.G. Wood Professor of Theology at the University of Birmingham:
‘In wrestling with the problem of evil I had concluded that any viable Christian theodicy must affirm the ultimate salvation of all God’s creatures’ (Evil and the Love of God, p. x).
Former Universalists
Holtz, Chad (xxxx-), American; **former United Methodist **pastor of Marrow’s Chapel, Henderson, North Carolina, who was removed from office in part for his public internet support of Rob Bell’s hopeful universalist book Love Wins. Originally, Chad commented that, ‘I think justice comes and judgment will happen, but I don’t think that means an eternity of torment’, but after attending a conservative rehabilitation ministry (Pure Life Ministries) to overcome ‘sexual addiction’ he altered his stance and declared:
‘I repent of my past denial of hell or that a person could ever be eternally seperated [sic] from a holy God. I know now that I had no fear of God. Therefore, I had no knowledge of God (Prov. 1:7). I was a fool with an MDiv. I was wrong’ (Chad’s blog, Unchained, entry 1 June 2012).
Continuing with the following categories:
Disputed or Often Miscategorised Universalists
Annhililationists (or believers in conditional immortality)
Second Chance and Post-Mortem Salvationists
Inclusivists and Wide-Hopers
Other or Undetermined
Would such a format make it more usable, or less?
Yes Pog that seems good - very good
I know that perhaps one day you are thinking of doing this in a spread-sheet or word document format with search options. For the moment would it not be possible to have the list presented in two different ways? One version with the main categories but without period distinctions? A second with the same categories but with the period breakdown?
I think one day we might want to also look at list breakdown by denomination, by universalist ‘families’ (these sometimes cross denominations), and by country.
Anyone know about the religious opinions of Bernard McGinn?
McGinn, Bernard (born 1937) American Roman Catholic theologian, historian, and scholar of spirituality affiliated with the University of Chicago. He has written extensively on apocalyptic thought and on ,mysticism in the middle ages.
Perhaps it might be hard to find a manifesto of his credo because he is a scholar who excavates, clarifies, and assesses the opinions of others
But try this at Google Books
History and Eschatology in John Scottus Eriugena and His Time: Proceedings …
edited by Michael Dunne, James J. McEvoy (and see p.22 for McGinn’s exposition of Erigena)
Pog you asked about Michelle Amirault - so here’s one for her and an extended one for Gary (because he’s important - they have both done wonderful work)
Amirault, Gary (xxxx-), American non-denominational Universalist, YouTube speaker, and founder of Tentmaker Ministries that produces and provides new and historical resources focussed on the message of universal salvation, and provides a counselling service much used by distressed and bereaved Christians coming out of an ECT background. Gary comes originally from a conservative evangelical background and promotes biblical universalism, his website carried the flag for Christian universalism before the current wave of interest.
‘We invite others to participate in sending out the message of the Everlasting Gospel, which is that Jesus Christ has reconciled the world back unto His and our Father’ (*About Tentmaker *at the Tentmaker website).
Amirault, Michelle (xxxxx-), American non-denominational Universalist and YouTube speaker. Michelle is very active in the counselling service of Tentmaker Ministries. She comes originally from a Reformed Jewish background and speaks movingly of her problem filled conversion to Christianity on YouTube where she says of the victims of the Holocaust (and other genocides) -
‘Our Father is not going to raise them from torture and torture them some more just because they didn’t know the Messiah’ (from the YouTube broadcast, The Michelle Amirault Story)
Updated the Amirault’s entries. Thanks sobornost!
Ken (new member) seems to be associated with ASK (Ernest L. Martin)
Thanks Puddy