Hey guys, I found someone else we might be able to add to the list.
Recently I checked out a couple Mister Rogers videos on YouTube, out of curiosity, and was surprised by how much depth the guy had.
I watched his show a couple times when I was a kid, but I always thought of him as just being a nice guy that a lot of people parodied, including Family Guy
But after listening to and reading some of his stuff, I’ve gained a lot more respect for him. He was actually a pretty great guy, who really lived out his simple faith authentically, and it turns out he was an ordained Presbyterian minister, of a more progressive part of the denomination, and, it appears, he was probably a Universalist.
A friend of mine on Facebook, Erin McCarty, who says Fred Rogers is one of her ‘favorite sages’, shared this quote with me from one of Roger’s books:
Sounds like UR to me.
Anyways, thought I’d share this.
It would be nice to add America’s most beloved children’s show host to the ranks, as it’s a good neighborhood to be in.
And here’s a couple articles to give a little more pertinent info on him if anyone wants to write up a mini-bio:
huffingtonpost.com/eliot-dal … 62976.html
Blessings to you guys