Next week the leaders of my new church will be meeting and one of the things they’ll be discussing is EU. They thought it might be helpful if I provided a simple dot point list of the specifics of what I believe, without lengthy justifications.
I thought I may as well do it here, and people can give me feedback/suggestions.
]This is MY personal definition of EU, and I expect not everyone will agree, which is totally fine, as I’m sure it’s not perfect! /]
]This is NOT the official Statement of Faith for this forum./]
]I’m writing it with the Dutch Reformed Christian Church, who are mostly Calvinists, in mind./:m]
---------------- Below is what I’ll email, once polished! --------------------
[size=120]Comparing Evangelical Universalism & Reformed Christianity[/size]
There are many forms of Universalism, however, below I am describing the form I hold. I have done my best to present some of the things I see as common ground and areas of difference, however, please ask me if you wish me to clarify anything. I was asked not to include the justifications here, as that would make it way too long, however, feel free to ask me anytime
[size=120]Common Ground?[/size]
]God- I believe the Trinity is the best description of the one true God, revealed throughout the Bible. I believe God is infinitely & perfectly loving, merciful, holy, glorious, wise, powerful, knowing & just. I believe God deserves all (heart, mind & body) our praise and worship./]
]Christ Jesus- I believe in the incarnation, the physical birth, death, resurrection & ascension of Jesus of Nazareth, about 2000 years ago./]
]The Bible- I believe the Bible was intentionally created by God & man, that it has been well preserved, and when read in it’s original languages and rightly understood by the power of the Holy Spirit, is authoritative in both matters of faith & practice./]
]Sin- I believe any opposition to God is sin. I believe everyone, from Adam onwards, (except Christ) has sinned. I believe sin taints and affects every aspect of our lives. I believe we need God to free us from slavery to sin. I believe sin deserves punishment. I believe God has the desire & ability to rid the universe of sin./]
]Judgement- I believe God will Judge and that some will go to eternal life & others to a place of God’s punishment./]
]Salvation- I believe Christ is the only Saviour, that salvation is a gift of grace, received by repentance & faith (with the Spirit’s help), and that it can not be earned./]
]Missional- I believe God wants us to be actively involved in reconciling people to God, through our love & prayer for others and the proclamation of the Gospel./]
]Ecumenical Councils & Early Creeds- I have a high regard for them, however, like most Protestants, I don’t believe they are infallible, and disagree with some points. e.g. veneration of icons. I believe EU complies with them and therefore remains within the bounds of orthodox Christian faith./]
[size=120]Areas of Difference?[/size]
]The Scope of God’s Intertrinitarian Love- I believe God loves everyone, as a Father loves their child, even those He punishes in order to bring about repentance (by the Holy Spirit’s help)./]
]Postmortem Repentance and Salvation through Christ- I believe that those who go to Hell after Judgement Day, will eventually (by the Holy Spirit’s help) come to repentance and salvation through faith in Christ./]
]“Aionios” should be translated as “of the age(s)” not “eternal/everlasting/forever”- however for many other reasons/verses, I still believe God is eternal and so is life with Him./]
]Penal Substitutionary Atonement (understanding how Jesus’ death & resurrection reconciles us to God)- Some EUs hold PSA, some hold qualified versions and some hold more Eastern views (such as Christus Victor). I can see the arguments for and against the positions, but remain deeply undecided on the matter. At the moment, a qualified PSA is probably where I’m at./]