Exactly, Horan.
How could it be good news if ANYONE is ultimately lost? The loss of even one would touch ALL of us so very deeply. We are all far more intimately related to one another than very many of us ever realize–even to the smallest degree.
That said, let me share one point of difference. I agree that we don’t (at this time) have a lot of “free will,” but I probably mean something different by this than would be immediately obvious. I believe that God is developing free will in us. I believe it is God’s ultimate intention that we should all become absolutely free. Now, in this life, we are to one degree or another like the small child who, though heir of all, is in practice subject to teachers and no more powerful (or to put it another way, no more free) than a slave. We are slaves to our baser natures, and to the degree that we follow the guidance of the Spirit, we become more free. Once we are completely free of the base/animal/beast/sin nature, THEN we are free. We are free precisely BECAUSE we have made ourselves (through the guidance and power of the Spirit) slaves to righteousness. We MUST practice righteousness in the same way that a good mother MUST nurture her young–not because she is not physically capable of neglecting her young, but because it is morally and emotionally impossible for her to do anything less than her best for her beloved children. To neglect them would be for her to deny her very own nature and her very own desire. Nevertheless, she COULD, theoretically, choose to neglect–she simply WILL not so choose. To put it in rather crasser terms, my dogs long to eat things that I would absolutely refuse to touch with ungloved hands–and then only for the sake of banishing those noxious things from my yard.
Jesus said that He (the Truth) had come to set us free. Clearly then, we don’t start out free. We start out as (imo) slaves to the flesh–to that which we have inherited through our natural evolution. Like the small child, we must grow beyond this immaturity. The only way we can do this is by passing through the Door (Christ) and receiving the Spirit and being led of the Spirit. (All these who are being led by the Spirit of God, these and none but these are the (mature) sons of God.) At this point, we become the defacto “slaves” of righteousness–because we CHOOSE to serve righteousness.
Thus, IMO our “slavery” is as the slavery of the chivalrous knight who chooses to serve his Lady. He could certainly betray her. Nothing prevents him from such a betrayal save his own higher nature. He is not a puppet. He is a slave to his own selfless devotion. There’s a big difference between those two things, I believe, and I see it as a very, very important difference.
To sum up: We are free to the same degree that we are capable of doing (and of recognizing) the good things that we desire to do and of rejecting the evil that we despise.
Blessings, Cindy