The Evangelical Universalist Forum


Some translators have rendered “all” as “all kinds of”, but it isn’t that way in the Greek. Consider:

Do all people (that is, every individual) who are in Adam (who are descendants of Adam) die? Or merely “all kinds of people”?

If “all” means “all” in that clause, then it also means “all” in the second clause. This is made clear by the words “so also.”

How do you know? Will they have lost the ability to choose?

Yes, those ‘all’ statements in Romans 5 are the true Achilles’ heel of other interpretations.

This could simply mean that Adam represented the whole human race that would follow him, and his sin, therefore, affected all human beings. Similarly, Christ represented all who would belong to Him, and His obedience affected all who would believe.

Because the Bible speaks of everlasting destruction and the second death. Nowhere does it say they will be tormented for a long time and then brought up to heaven as everybody repents and lives forever and ever with God. They are outside the gate as they will remain evil and unrepentant.

So let me understand this clearly, Cole. Are you flip-flopping back to eternal conscious torment for the “non-elect” then?

I always find the conniving convenience of Calvinism interesting… when it comes to SIN and its spread ALL definitely always means ALL, and yet when it comes to GRACE and its spread magically ALL definitely does not always mean all” – amazing!! :unamused:


I’m looking into the Catholics now. Their views on purgatory, atonement, and those who haven’t heard makes perfect sense to me and fit the Bible. I’ve been attending church at Holy Family Catholic church for awhile now and it’s real good. I’ve also been going over to Catholic Answers and finding a lot of my questions are being answered.

Cole, I’m glad you’re enjoying the RC church, but you didn’t answer my question.


Maybe annihilationism will work for some humans. But Satan and his angels will be tormented day and night forever and ever. Others are purified in the flames.

We will have to agree to disagree with this one, Cole. I’ve studied the actual scriptures and I believe firmly that every human being, all of creation, and all the angels God made (we are all His after all) will be brought to their God-intended purpose of unity with Him. But you believe whatever you like, dear Cole, and may God give you rest. :slight_smile: