I thought that infants have an instinctive ability to find their mother’s breast, at least newborn mammals of other species certainly do. The mother just lies there and makes herself available. But I think it would be a stretch to call it controlling, guiding perhaps.
The problem I have with that is that it is invariably is the controlling, patriarchal image of God as the stern disciplinarian who occasionally loses it in a fit of pique, a la OT wrath style, and completely overshadows God as the giver of life and nourisher of the creation, which is what is seen clearly in Jesus. Even more, it demonstrates a serious underestimation of the efficacy of God freely giving his life to create and heal in order to accomplish His will and bring the creation to its fulfillment. In light of the revelation of God in Jesus, particularly at Golgotha, I would have to say God is the all-bountiful (Mighty Breasts) instead of the all powerful (cosmic controller). Nothing all-powerful about someone hanging helplessly on a Roman cross, but there sure was a lot of life pouring (his blood and water, the wellspring of the river of Life)out of him onto the Earth.
You first encountered it on Beck’s blog the other day? Hmm… I have made several references to that in past posts here and most recently a few days ago in this thread.