The Evangelical Universalist Forum

Questions from a Nearly-There-Universalist

Yes, I’ll pray for you, too, Andrew! May the Lord fill you with His Spirit!



I’m sorry that you don’t have time to be involved in this forum. I was looking forward to your input. I understand though. And I do pray that you’ll be filled with a spirit of grace and wisdom as you continue in your studies and fellowship with others.


Thank you all for your prayers. I appreciate it immensely. And thanks Dondi, for sharing your own experiences. While I haven’t yet struggled with the church on universalism, as a staunchly unrepentant pacifist I can sympathize with your own struggles (you couldn’t possibly imagine how much trouble this has got me into). I hope everything works out for you and your own house.


Blessings to you, Andrew! I’m a little disappointed that you won’t have time for this forum, but glad to hear God is using you “in real life.” :slight_smile: I’ll pray for you.

Hi Andrew,

Hope this can catch you before you leave the Forum! I am a newcomer to the Forum, joined in July. One of the reasons I joined was reading and praying over a book yet to be published but available on the internet by Derek Flood Penal Substitution vs Christus Victor recommended to over a year ago by our parish Priest Andrew Tweedy at St George’s Anglican Church here in Barcelona (see his blog for his sermons especially his first and second sermons in July on Universalism warmly received by all of us at St George’s!!) I printed Derek Floods book out from the web and carried it about with for over a year. It cleared so many doubts for me and best of all opened my heart to the knock on on its door!!

Go for it!

With a cheer and a prayer!

Michael Witty

Thanks for your post Michael. I’ll be hovering around just a little while longer, while I can. I’m familiar with Flood – I’ve been thinking through Christus Victor for a good many months now. Alongside universalism, atonement theology is one of the other things I’ve been studying :slight_smile: I think they work immensely well together.


Thank you Andrew. Praying for you and specially for a happy landing! You will find this is a very friendly, active, and supportive forum if you can find the time. Maybe you could try opening a topic on atonement theology.



There have been a few changes, and I now think that I might just be able to commit to the forum! Thank you all for your prayers :slight_smile: I’ve introduced myself a bit more properly in the Introductions thread.

God bless,