The Evangelical Universalist Forum

Ramelli's Apkotastasis

Titus Flavius Clement of Alexandria, and Didymus the Blind of Alexandria: both were presidents of the Alexandrian catechetical university, before and after Origen, the latter throughout most of the 300s and appointed to the post by no less than St. Athanasius (acting as bishop).

Cheers Jason :slight_smile:

I’ve put short bios for those two under ancient convinced universalists in the big list. If you have extra info, quotes, or you think the entries need moving or correcting please let me know.

Hey [tag]JasonPratt[/tag], further to your comments regarding ‘kolasis’ in the other thread, I was wondering if Dr Ramelli covers this word in her book? I can’t find any information about the book. It doesn’t come up on Amazon? cheers :smiley:

I’ll have to look into it at the office tomorrow. Good question, though!

Here it is at Amazon: … 900424509X

Ah, there it is indeed. I only typed ‘Apokatastasis’. Cheers Jason. :smiley:

Good luck taking out a loan to buy it… :wink:


‘Interlibrary loan’ (thank you [tag]Akimel[/tag] ) :wink:

“Yes, just put down this deposit here…” :wink:

Though seriously, this is why libraries and interloans exist, for research purposes.

For a quick look at Dr. R’s analysis of St. Athanasius the Great, you can see Robin Parry’s summary posted recently here: … alist.html

He also confirms a popular level book is on the way, and that he’ll see her soon (didn’t say where) and will ask her about it (though she’s very busy on other projects).

The main reason I haven’t focused on even a light broad summary is because I heard she was intending to work on a popular summary and I didn’t want to unfairly preempt that by posting a free one publicly.


If other people have not ordered this book … OR people are still interested for a summary of it
I could try to begin to make summaries of it … since I have access to it :smiley:

The Christian Doctrine of Apokatastasis

by the way I cannot view the link above … is there another link or place ?

Hey Hopeful,

Any sort of summary on Ramelli’s book would be GREATLY appreciated, by me, and I think by many on this site. I know its a lot of material, but anything you do would be very welcome.




 Wow ... now that i have offered to try to write a summary of this large nearly 900 page book ...

 i find myself sitting in front of my notebook (laptop for others )  wondering .. how to write ?

i am not Pratt or Davo or so many gifted posters ... if i write a summary in my own words .. well .. 

that doesn’t seem to work so well … especially with this kind of book… the abbreviations and sources
ran for many pages … thus far it is very well written and not like some doctoral thesis … from engineering or likewise…

would cut and paste annoy or infuriate some copyright ..... ?   

I certainly do not to wish to get on that boat … (the copyright one … )
The small group of mathematical priests rowed out into the calm sea. When their boat came to rest Pythagoras asked Hippasus if he would present the proof. Hippasus was only too happy to oblige.

Read more: … z3RpTfeR86

Well... it appears that I have once again ... tried to be helpful but ended up in a quagmire ...

While we’d always appreciate a summary, Hopeful, we all understand how very much work it would be. Copyright laws typically allow small sections to be reprinted for educational and review purposes. That usually amounts to a paragraph or two with proper attribution, from any one or another part of the book. IOW, a short summary of a chapter with substantiating quotations. The copyright page will often include information regarding the author’s and publishers’ wishes concerning quotations from the work.

Also, you don’t need to (if you choose to dive into this) do EVERY part of the book. You can concentrate on bits you found most interesting and helpful.

Blessings, and thanks for your good heart :smiley:


For what it’s worth, I stopped trying to do any kind of in-depth summary (so to speak) when I learned that Dr. R was working on a popular level summary herself. Not least because I didn’t want to pre-empt copyright issues.

A summary from the person most qualified to write a summary is on the way eventually. :slight_smile:

When do you think her book will be published?

Hopefully sometime before hell freezes over.

