The Evangelical Universalist Forum



A Christian Reincarnationist Universalist (CRU) would say that your sister has had past-lives in the flesh.

I pondered reincarnation deeply in the past and everything you have said here are my thoughts.
It’s like you just reached in and pulled all of this out of my soul.
Truly. Thanks for sharing that. It feels great when another person reflects your own deep ponderings back to you.
wow. I swear, it seems almost word for word what is in my heart.
How wonderful.

Sparrow expresses some of my own reservations about reincarnation.

But you may find this interesting, Michael. I have not read it, but I have read another book by the same author and really enjoyed it.,204,203,200_PIsitb-sticker-arrow-click,TopRight,35,-76_AA300_SH20_OU01.jpg … t_ep_dpi_1


Good stuff here, Aug.

Thank you Tom,

I’ve already read the book, and it was interesting, but he takes the thesis a little further than I would.

(If you remember, I was primarily interested in the exceptional casses of infants who die without ever really living here.)

He equates earthly reincarnation with purgatory, but then goes with the midieval idea that almost everyone goes to purgatory before reaching heaven (thereby assuming it to be the norm rather than the exception.)

I never saw any need to take it that far (and if the non-elect are raised to mortal life some time before they “put on immortality,” I see no need for reincarnation at all.)


Beautifully said, Stellar!

In the past, I have entertained thoughts of the possibility of reincarnation. I have to admit though, that what I see God proclaiming is not reincarnation, but regeneration. I can’t pretend to begin to know what God’s purpose is for those individuals who are only with us for a very short time, but I know He has one. And I also know that because God is Love, they are not worse off for having only a brief moment here.

I was surprised when I read this.

If I understand him correctly here, Rahner (a very respected Roman Catholic Theologian) is saying that there’s room in Catholic Theology for the idea that some souls (either because they didn’t live long enough to take away anything, or because they didn’t learn all they were supposed to) are embodied more than once here on earth (making Limbo and Purgatory conditions, not places.)