Salvation in the Gospels
It has occurred to me how diversely salvation is presented in the Gospels. And so I took to the task of listed most of those occurrences the subject comes up in the teachings of Jesus. And what I found is quite remarkable.
Passage Method of Salvation
Matt. 5:3-10 Poor in spirit, meek, hunger and thirst for righteousness, merciful, pure in heart, peacemakers, persecuted.
Matt. 10:39-42 Lose your life, receive a prophet, give drink to the little ones.
Matt. 19:16-26 Keep the commandments, sell all you have, and follow Jesus.
Matt. 25:31-46 (nations) Feed the hungry, Give drink to the thirsty, Take in strangers, clothe the naked, visit the sick and in prison, do to the least of your brethren.
Mark 10:28-31 Leave all for the gospel’s sake, for eternal life in the world to come.
Mark 12:28-34 Love the Lord you God with all the heart, all the understanding, all the soul, all the strength, and love you neighbor as yourself.
Mark 16:15 Believe and be baptized.
Luke 7:44-47 Wash Jesus’ feet with your tears and dry them with your hair.
Luke 10:8-9 (cities) Receive the disciples and heal the sick.
Luke 10:25-28 Love God and neighbor (answered rightly)
Luke 16:19-31 Be a sick, homeless, and destitute beggar at the door of a rich man.
Luke 18:29-30 Forsake house, parents, wife, children for the kingdom of God’s sake.
Luke 19:8-9 Sell ½ of your possessions and give to the poor. Restore four-fold those you’ve cheated.
Luke 23:42 Ask Jesus to remember you in His kingdom.
John 1:12-13 Believe and receive Jesus.
John 1:49-51 Believe Jesus is the Son of God and King of Israel.
John 3:3 Be born again.
John 3:36 Believe on the Son.
John 4:14 Drink living water.
John 5:24 Hear Jesus’ words and believe on the Father who sent Him.
John 5:39-40 Search the scriptures and come to Jesus.
John 6:54 Eat Jesus’ body and blood.
John 8:11 Be alone with Jesus after your accusers leave.
John 11:25 Believe on Christ and you will be resurrected.
John 12:25 Hate your life in this world.
John 14:6 Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life, no one comes to the Father but by Him.
John 17:3 Know God the Father and Jesus Christ.
So in which manner of salvation did you come in?