Hi Rodger,
Your posts are a wonderful blessing and great help to me. Thank you for the huge effort you put into these. I have read and used your quotes a few times.
You may be aware that on the General board I’ve started a project to collate the names, credentials and a supporting quote for all those thinkers and writers who deny traditional hell. You have a vast range of resources and quotes here, and I’d like to ask you for your input over on that thread (if you are too busy then please say so, I will not be offended). I’ve already started using a number of the names and quotes you have here, but I am finding it hard to locate biographical details for who some of these people were/are and the page numbers for references. If you can spare the time can you have a look at the list of names we’ve already got on my list thread and see if I’ve made any errors, if you can add any other names, and if you can provide more bio details, quotes or page refs.
Thank you. I love your thread!