The Evangelical Universalist Forum

Stimulating article re: global warming

I wonder what the Bees, have to say? :crazy_face:

Global warming…Global cooling…Global warming…Global cooling…Global warming…Global cooling…

The cycle has been going on for millenniums and will probably continue as long as the world lasts. Nothing man will or can do will change that cycle. We are now in the warming part of the cycle, and it will not be significantly slowed by anything that man will or can do.

Dr. Patrick Michaels provides insight into the debate over climate change:

“The End of Civilization As We Know It?” Christian astrophysicist, Hugh Ross wrote on Monday that humans can only delay, but not prevent the next ice age.

We have to consider ALL sides, of this topic! :crazy_face:

Now, this is interesting. :crazy_face:

Here’s a good question: 'So can someone ask Miss Greta a question? Why aren’t you marching in front of the Chinese embassy? That’s where the disregard for the environment is! "
This is great news unless you are a leftist who wants to blame the U.S. first and last.

Check this out:

According to a report released on Tuesday by the International Energy Agency (IEA), “The United States saw the largest decline in energy-related CO2 emissions in 2019 on a country basis.”

It sounds as if we’re doing just fine after we dropped out of the Paris Climate Change Accords.

I wonder how China is doing!

Our success cleaning up the environment is not surprising.

First, we are a free and democratic society that demands clean air and clear water.

Second, the international environmental movement hates capitalism more than clean air. These people are really leftists using climate change or global warming to promote their anti-U.S. agenda."

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Right, they don’t hate clean air at all.

The intent of the sentence was, I believe, to point out that the hatred for capitalism is more important to them than clean air. :slight_smile:
Since, as the article said, the main contributors to the problems Greta espies are in fact not the capitalist USA, but China et al. She hasn’t been as hard on them, and they are the culprits. We seem to be doing better all the time.

Will more supercomputers like this one, help provide answers? :crazy_face:

Ron you never cease to amaze me. You miss the point, but are always willing to get at America. Europeans, can’t live with 'em, can’t apparently live without them. Do you really hate the US so much?
In any case, why did Greta choose only the US? China IS - apart from population - THE biggest contributor to harmful emissions, at least from her point of view. THAT was the point.
That’s where her ‘energy’ could best be spent.
The poor thing is an obvious tool for the Left.

This constant ‘Orange Man Bad’ and “America always bad, Europe elitists good” drumbeat is getting old.

Of course, I’m getting old too…in more ways that one, I suspect.

Where did we learn this way of speaking? Oh, yes - Frankenstein and Socrates. :crazy_face:

Is this one of Dave’s special cigars? Or one that the folks from Oregon, might have substituted something for tobacco? :wink:

So now, HF, you are painting me with the brush of being a doper? You, who have never used mushrooms to induce a trance? Or other methods of ‘spirituality’?
Thanks for planting that image in everyone’s mind, though.

So this past week - I’m a social Darwinist, a racist, general all-around SOB, and now a druggie. I think I’m making progress…

Something has to explain, Frankenstein thinking the cigar smoke is good. It could be “good tobacco”. Or something else. However, since Frankenstein (like zombies) is “technically dead”… I don’t think anything, would effect him much.

I know YOU personally Dave, would ONLY use tobacco and alcohol. But others in Oregon, might slip something into the cigar.

As far as things, considered ‘medicines’ and ‘sacraments’ - in the Native American tradition. Yes, I have been around traditional Native American, Ayahuasca and Peyote ceremonies. And I will neither confirm nor deny, whether I have taken part - or not. But if I did hypothetically, it would be under a legally protected environment. One where it is conducted, in the traditional Native American way. And for ‘therapeutic’ purposes, as defined by M.D. and PhD. researchers - studying the subject matter.

Are we cool, now? :crazy_face:


Of course.

Time to watch TV. :crazy_face:

“Have you ever wondered how to play the Climate Game, or game the climate? If so, look no further than a remote research station on the northern tip of the Antarctic Peninsula, a submarine-shaped office tower on Geneva’s Avenue de la Paix and an international media pack determined to ramp a single yet-to-be-confirmed measurement into another bogus climate scare.”

Not sure if this was posted or not, but I watched the video and really like what this women is saying. Though, I expected how hypocritical the left would be “She is being brainwashed and used”… Huh huh. Greta cannot even form a complete sentence without a script.

I am referencing Greta punting here:

On another note, I tend to see fundamental Christians and climate alarmists very similar. Basically they predict doom and gloom. They are both a religion that shun skepticism.

One thing that I have always questioned is the placement of the probes. Moving a probe in the shade versus the sun would have an impact. But not even that, the placement of the probe itself. It isn’t like the entire county follows the same exact temperature. Move the probes around a bit, retake measurements and you can easily influence the results of “average” global temperature.

I am not suggesting this is done purposely, I am suggesting that at any given point, the temperature can be different. It might be 1 degree cooler or warmer here. These “average” temperatures can be very misleading.

I wonder what would happen if we moved every temperature probe a mile, randomly, just to see if the average changes. I think it would. The idea is that we have enough “probes” to accurately measure the average temperature of the entire world is absurd, and not only that, who is to say of the probe is calibrated correctly?

Way, way too much faith in something far too complex.

You’ve pointed out a real problem, and in fact a number of “findings” have proven to be faulty as a result of the eagerness to prove a theory - as in, taking a small sample of the ocean, measuring it in different locations, and then generalizing those findings as if the whole ocean had been tested.
Scientists with an agenda have to be watched and monitored closely.