One “potential” solution is to introduce open theism. See:
It should be noted that Calvinist site Got Questions, will have problems with it - as their “commentary” reflects there-in. And a Calvinist like Matt Slick, with have a different answer - to your stated problem:
And suppose all the future is fixed. And I went to the Theosofest (held in September, at the Theosophical Society). And I paid some big sum of money - to 10 readers - to read my future. Well, suppose that all these readers - have some reading ability. Then all ten should see, the same big event coming (I win the big lottery, I die in a plane crash, etc.). My Protestant mom - now deceased at 92.5 years - had the gift of prophesy. But I believe she is seeing “the most likely possibility”. Like what you see in Quantum mechanics. And NOT fixed events. And open theism brings up possibilities - NOT certainties.
Let me see if I can paraphrase Paidion’s viewpoint. He believes in open theism and universalism. But a person will be given - an infinite amount of purification time - to make the right choice (being with God).
And you can even bridge open theism and the prosperity gospel, as this author has done:
Perhaps we need to seek out - some “academic experts”