If you look at the Wisdom (Yoga (1, 2); Zen (1, 2), Red Road ( 1, 2)) and Light ( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,6) traditions. Or read the biographies of Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Indian yogis, Native American Holy People, Islamic Sufis and Tibetan Lamas - who are considered saints…well, guess what? They can do all the mystic and miracle stuff, you see in the Bible. And I think Adam and Eve, could do the same stuff - at least potentially. So whatever body Jesus had, at least they appear to tap into - the same mystical benefits (AKA Theosis). Like these Tibetans do:
Note: I think I have become “corrupted”, by being a lifetime member - of the Theosophical Society (chiefly for their extensive library collection). Just as I have become “corrupted”, in my theories of Homo Re-Animus Evolution and Z-Hell (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9) tribulation…by watching shows like The Walking Dead and Fear The Walking Dead.