The Evangelical Universalist Forum

The Love of God


  1. God is the Father of all men.

“Have we not all one Father? Hath not one God created us?” Mal. 2:10

A kind Father will not punish his children but for their good. God is evidently called the Father of all men in the Scriptures, and this is not an unmeaning name; he has the disposition and principles of a Father. He loves with a Father’s love; he watches with a Father’s care; he reproves with a Father’s tenderness; he punishes with a Father’s design. God is the Father of all men; and, therefore, he cannot make mankind endlessly miserable.

100 Scriptural Proofs That Jesus Christ Will Save All Mankind
by Thomas Whittemore

Jer.31:3 God draws people by His love.

Rom.2:4 It is the kindness of God that leads to repentance.

It does not say that the knowledge of impending judgement leads to repentance.

1 Jn.4:18 Judgement involves fear, love casts it out.

If judgement is made the reason to get saved, that implies that we by our repentance can turn away that judgement.

But, Jesus by His sacrifice suffered our judgement upon Himself. And by our accepting what He did on our behalf because He loves us. Salvation is a gift to us. Not what comes to us because we earned it by repenting.

Eph…2:8 Salvation is by grace (unmerited favor) in which God treats us as if we never sinned, therefore we cannot earn it by repenting.

Salvation is by grace, not of works lest any man should boast.

Jn.1:12 We are to accept redemption, salvation by faith, believing in His name.
Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God.

1 Jn.3:1 How great a love the Father has bestowed upon us that we should be called the children of God and so we are.

Ps.103:12/ Jesus has removed our transgressions from us before we ever repented.

2 Cor.5:19 God was in Christ reconciling the world unto Himself, not counting against them their trespasses.

Rom.5:8 God demonstrates His own love for us that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us.

Jn.3:16 God so loved the world that He gave of His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life.

Repentance is not saying I’m sorry for my sins. Repentance is changing direction.

Acts 26:18 To turn from darkness to light, and from the power of satan unto God.
Rom.1:16 The good news is the power of God unto salvation.

Rom.10:10 Those who hear the good news, believe in their heart and make confession with their mouth unto salvation.

Love is the reason to get saved, not judgement.

1 Pet.2:9 Therefore we can proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called us out of darkness and into His marvelous light… for we have received mercy.

Ps.107:1 Praise the Lord for He is good for His mercy endures forever.


The Furious Longing Of God

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I enjoy Brennan Manning. Thanks for sharing. The problem is all of the context is from a scriptural basis. Fine and dandy. But there are different views.

Dear M.M. the experience of Brennan Manning is surely within the scope of the Scriptures. However, it appears to me as more of a mighty spiritual awakening to the One who awakens the dead to Life in Him.

The Inescapable Love Of God

Thomas Talbott- The Inescapable Love of God - 2nd Edition

The fellowship of the mystery (Eph. 3:9) is the dimension to which saints are being immersed by His mighty baptism of water & fire. It is a communion & a fellowship that is completely outside the range of natural apprehension, made known by the God of Divine revelation.

Fellowship = koinonia = communion/ fellowship.

Mystery = musterion = unassisted natural apprehension made known by Theos revelation.

We who are part of this wonderful fellowship shall sing a song to one another, and those who Abba joins us to in the Song that cannot be learned, it must be born of Him & in Him!

Thank you Shev.

When you are tempted to doubt the love of God, ask where love comes from?

Even the basest of people often have family who they love unconditionally. Where does this unconditional love come from, this love that would cause us to die for the sake of a spouse, a child, a family member? Did the human race, tarnished as we are, invent this love, or conceive of it? By no means. When we experience unconditional love within our hearts, we verify that this love exists, and when we know it exists, we know it came from somewhere. And deep down, we all know where it came from, because love is not a thing, Love is God, and God is Love.

I have a daughter who is not yet two. She is often upset with me because I insist on a course of action (not walking towards the busy road, making her go to bed, and so forth) that seems unfair to her childish eyes. If she could talk eloquently by now, I dare say she would struggle to believe I always love her, because so much of her life does not go according to her assumptions, and I often intervene in a way which seems harsh and pointless. But little does she know just how much she is the apple of my eye, and how a smile from her lights up my heart!

Similarly to the above, many of us have read exciting stories in which, should the characters have become aware of the author halfway through, they would have cursed that author for the predicament they have been placed in, little guessing of the wonderful finale that they are heading towards.

Love has been revealed to us. Truly revealed.

God was revealed in Jesus Christ. Christ is revealed in us. This love is a fountain of beauty that shall well up to the healing of the very world. Do not doubt this wondrous, joyful reality. God shall wipe away every tear - think of the imagery. He will not just “stop us crying”. He will wipe away tears, which (though symbolic), denotes intimacy and compassion.

Let us face all things like flint for the sake of this Love, for this God, for this Christ, knowing that we are but partway through the story, and like my little sweet daughter, we still do not understand the way in which our Father is harmonizing the events of our lives. Should we see the end now, we would slap our heads and say

"Of course, Father, of course! Of course you love us all, and were weaving all things towards the ultimate blessing of mankind!"

Glorying In Deprivation

Our God and Father overflows with goodness toward us. He desires that we be abundantly supplied unto all completeness and fulness, prospering in every dimension of life.

Yet, those of us who know something of His ways have come to realize how strategically He uses deprivation in our lives , not, as some might presume, because He is displeased with us and wants to make that point by denying us life’s satisfactions, but because deprivation and supply work together to the end that ultimately, according to His will, “no good thing” shall be withheld from us.

“He, who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how will He not also with Him freely give us all things?”

How sweetly those words fall upon our ears, and how instantly our spirit with His witnesses to their truth. But how do we reconcile the apparent incompatibility between His delight in giving and His ofttimes non-negotiable denials? Many times He seems to be utterly neglectful of our most basic needs, and untouched by the physical, mental and emotional pain we bear.

Besides, we see others suffering and we are deeply moved, but He, of infinite resources, far more than enough for the challenge, makes no move to bring them relief.

You say, “Oh but He does, I’ve seen Him heal the sick, bind up the broken-hearted, and deliver captives.” Yes, I too have seen Him bare His mighty arm of deliverance many times and bring relief from suffering and need in miraculous ways, but I have also seen, in my own life and the lives of others, hours, days, weeks and years, even many, many years drag on with little, if any, respite from incessant pain and sorrow, not to mention the experience of having Him bring an end to one long night of suffering and usher us into realms of glory, only to have such an experience be followed by another gut-wrenching tribulation.

Some who read this have received desperately needed provision and before they are even able to settle into the enjoyment of the blessing have it taken away in a way so unexpected and sudden as to be bone-jarringly traumatic.

Those who foolishly, immaturely and dogmatically insist that our lack of faith is the cause of all protracted affliction , that God would certainly end our suffering immediately if only we would desist in our unbelief; such shallow-hearted, and shallow-minded ones hardly deserve a hearing. There are those of very little faith, if any, who have enjoyed the Lord’s abundant provision, while others, rich in faith, rich in mountain-moving faith, have to live with a level of such disconcerting deprivation, as to be pushed to the edge of despair.

If the love of God simply means that God would like to bring relief to us if only we would let Him , or as some would put it, if only “we would get in a place where God can bless us,” then that love is an impotent love, a sentimental, wishful love that has only marginal effect on the human condition.

BUT if that love has a purpose so sublime, so wonderful, so beyond our ability to ask or conceive of, and if that love, in it’s wisdom, must incorporate interim (yes, interim, for what seems endless to us is but a passing moment compared with eternal ecstasy) suffering into its plan in order to plow our earth to receive and bear the fruit of the Seed of His fulness, Christ Jesus our Lord, then that is another matter.

-John R. Gavazzoni-

Well… maybe.

Here are the meanings according to the Greek lexicon of my “Online Bible” computer program:

  1. hidden thing, secret, mystery
    1a) generally mysteries, religious secrets, confided only to the initiated and not to ordinary mortals
    1b) a hidden or secret thing, not obvious to the understanding
    1c) a hidden purpose or counsel
    1c1) secret will
    1c1a) of men
    1c1b) of God: the secret counsels which govern God in dealing with the righteous, which are hidden from ungodly and wicked men but plain to the godly
  2. in rabbinic writings, it denotes the mystic or hidden sense
    2a) of an OT saying
    2b) of an image or form seen in a vision
    2c) of a dream
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Our Steady God

As the image of the invisible God, the radiance of His glory, the exact image of His Person, God’s Son continues always, through thick and thin, steady as His Father: “Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today, and into the eons.” It’s the character of Jesus because it’s the character of Him who begat Him. For the Son, steady goes it, out from within His Father into the world, perfectly expressing that character of His Father by which He is unfazed in the face of the changing circumstances of this world, and especially unfazed by the enmity toward Him that characterizes, in the main, the present universal human condition.

That steadiness is the steadiness of love.

The love that God is requires that He be unflinchingly steady whether He is loved or hated, obeyed or disobeyed, confessed or denied. He is never so conflicted that having been offended by us, He must set aside His love until proper punishment is handed out that satisfies His (supposed) need to have His holiness appeased: “Sorry, I’ve got to hurt you, or hurt Someone standing in for you, or otherwise my righteousness stands in the way of my love for you.”

Continued Below

Our Steady God