This video is of the guy who pioneered epigenetics, Bruce Lipton Ph.D. He spoke at our chiropractic college a few times. I thought he was a quack, and if you look up his name you will find that. But watch the video, and see if what he is saying doesn’t strike a chord. I haven’t really read much of his stuff, just sat through a few lectures years ago. I pretty much wrote him off, besides a few of his interesting points. That is until I started doing post-Doc. study of nutrition, which basically is cell biology/physiology. Once you start to understand whats going on down there you (should) start looking at the world differently. I also began to be reintroduced to epigenetics, and then you start hearing lots of other people saying the same quacky things that Dr. Lipton is saying, and these guys are not “just some old hippies” like Bruce. Then I came to Universalism and it changed my understanding “us” and “them”, and became aware of the interconnectedness of life, how we are one creation with God in and through us. And the ideas in here become a bit more reasonable. I’m probably jumping the gun a bit because the video I’m posting is a 10 minute intro to the basics of epigenetics. The ramifications of this on a philosophical, theological, and spiritual level are vast. I don’t go the way that some do btw of taking this to the “Human Potential Movement”. Around the 7 minute mark it cuts and switches gears from his story, to cell membranes. That is where the main interest of this is to me, which I’ll try to elaborate on later, once I can hopefully bring you guys (whoevers interested) up to speed on what the heck I’m talking about.
2 little bits then the clip. Mammal cell membranes are made up of EPA/DHA which are Omega 3 fatty acids. The only place DHA we get it from in that form is from Fish Oil. Hmm fish??? Is there any sort of symbolism to fish (I’m thinking of the term interdividuality here as Michael Hardin uses)
Also this guy pretty much destroys Naturalistic Darwinian Evolution, and makes a pretty good case for “theistic evolution” (not in this clip though), which hasn’t made him a lot of friends.