The Evangelical Universalist Forum

The Purge: Election Year, Hypocrisy, and The Nature Of God

Obama being the last U. S. president could be good or even great news:

Good news: The U. S. will cease to exist and will become 50 separate countries.

Great news: The Second Coming will occur before Jan. 20, 2017.


For those of us with a preterist inclination, we are at ease… The second coming has happened. We can get on with business! :laughing:

The extreme right and the extreme left have one thing in common, and that one thing may be expressed by the clause, “My mind is made up; don’t confuse me with the facts.”

I agree with the Mises institute on healthcare. It’s a myth that US healthcare is a libertarian free market system.

Today the BBC had an interesting article entitled Is Taiwan a bargaining-chip for Trump on China?. :smiley:

And I got this message today - from AARP:

Oh, yes. I sure will, AARP. And I also shared it on FaceBook and Twitter. Don’t touch the sacred cows of Medicare and Social Security, Trumpenstein and the Trumpeters. On other things, I can forgive you. But this is drawing a line - in the sand. :slight_smile:

If you really want me, to awaken the forces of inbound marketing and direct response marketing, on social media - just threaten these sacred cows. :angry: :angry:

Exactly. While one might argue against a free market system for healthcare, it is simply a fact that the U. S. system of healthcare is NOT a free market system.

And as the article correctly points out, the AMA does control the number of doctors, admitted to med schools. And it also points out correctly, that the US is NOT the country, with the greatest quality of health care (as measured in 2011):

Now this is part of the reason, I spent a lifetime - exploring alternative and spiritual healing modalities. Not that traditional medicine is bad, mind you. It is great for medical testing and emergency medicine. But the US, compared to European and certain Asian countries, is far behind in quality.

The article seems to imply, that free market can fix the US problem. Give the AMA, insurance and pharmaceutical companies, Ayn Rand brand boxing gloves. And everything will be Hunky Dory. And if you believe that, I have some oceanfront property in Arizona - to sell you. And for a limited time, I’ll throw in the Golden Gate bridge for free. :exclamation: :laughing:

As Hermano pointed out earlier, Singapore has it excellent, health care model. And I’ve pointed out, that it’s in the top 10 and we are in the mid-thirties worldwide. But Singapore is based upon capitalism (as far as I know). But their health care system, is not entirely based, upon free market principles.

Here is the article from Hermano again:

Just a footnote here. The article Hermano referred to, is from Fox News. And they are as pro-Republican, as you can get. Minus the feud between Megan Kelly and Trumpenstein. And let me point this out, from the article:

People get as offended when I mention Fox news as they get when I mention God.
With Fox, we get a chance, at least. IMO of course.

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: Dave. Fox News is da DEBIL! (to paraphrase the Waterboy’s mama). I gently ask people how they know Fox news is “completely biased and one-sided” and so far nobody has ventured an answer. I think they heard it on CNN NBC MSNBC ETC, so they know it’s true. Juan is talking right now, but I can’t hear him. The mute button is on. That’s the only way I can listen to Juan. I do listen to the other liberals, though.

I had to stop watching for awhile as the leftist media lies, exaggerations, slip’n’slides, hyperbole etc etc finally got me too frustrated about the state of “journalism.” Thank God many Americans still have the ability to think through all that dribble. And thanks also for Fox news.

Here’s a segment from a WIki article entitled Media bias in the United States:

I share this from for 2014 reporting date:

Is CNN liberal and Fox conservative?

I’ll probably become super concerned, if someone here describes Rush Hudson Limbaugh as “too liberal” :exclamation: :laughing:

I’ve listened to so much - idiocy - concerning Limbaugh. Not from him, just concerning him. People criticize him who have never listened to him themselves; they take the little mis-quoted, out- of -context things from rags like the NYT or maybe Ellen or Whoopi or cnbc or whatever as fact- it’s rather hilarious, when you’ve listened to him during the day, to hear his words twisted that evening on the news.

LOL Dave. Limbaugh is getting a vacation at the moment, the press having found an even more delectable personality to misquote, eviscerate and pillory. Apparently, a generous six percent of the American public believe the media–but perhaps it’s not fashionable to admit to believing the media. One thing I know, you should NEVER believe anything because you read it on your friend’s Facebook news feed.

First, a good prayer article - to start the day :exclamation:

5 Ways to Pray for the Future

One thing you must know, regarding Rush Hudson Limbaugh. If you look him up in Google, you find he is an entertainer. Which means he will say outrageous things - to boost ratings. Same thing goes with folks like Howard Stern, who is now on satellite Radio. And he makes outrageous statements and segments - regarding sex. Both make a lot of money and are radio superstars.

As an aside, here’s what I’ve shared via email, in talking about climate change:

You may be right. But I think Rush’s conservative listeners would categorize him more as *‘an incisive political pundit—who is also entertaining.’ *

As the late Irving Kristol said: ***

And I would argue that “The Limbaugh Institute for Advanced Conservative Studies” has had a profound influence on many conservatives, as well as on many election results.

(I would not qualify as a “Ditto-head”; I have not heard Rush in years. But whenever I did listen to him, I usually agreed with him :sunglasses: )


Pie Jesu, (×4)
Qui tollis peccata mundi,
Dona eis requiem. (×2)

Agnus Dei, (×4)
Qui tollis peccata mundi,
Dona eis requiem, (×2)
Sempiternam (×2)

Pious Jesus,
Who takes away the sins of the world,
Give them rest.

Lamb of God,
Who takes away the sins of the world,
Give them rest,

(Jackie has been asked to sing in Trump’s inauguration.)

Feliz Navidad, amigos!

Here are two bizarrely contradictory stories in today’s news, both regarding sex trafficking, both from California.

In the first story, an Uber driver is hailed as a hero for calling the police, and rescuing a minor from two adults who were selling the child for prostitution.

But in the second story, the police in California are being told that, starting this Sunday, they are no longer to rescue a minor being sold for prostitution!!

So, from one day to the next, a responsible citizen will become a scandalmonger? He will go from hero to villain?

1) Alert Uber driver saves girl from alleged sex traffickers

2) California Democrats 'Legalize Child Prostitution’

The democrats justify this new law by saying that the kids involved will be shamed if they are given a criminal record, so better to just leave the boys and girls alone when they are soliciting.

The republicans say this is crazy, because the police need to question the children, and try to find *who *is trafficking them, where they come from, and *who *their parents are. They need to rescue the kids, and immediately get them away from the traffickers. (The children’s criminal records can be expunged sometime later on, after the authorities have found out exactly what was going on.)

So, do you think there are important fundamental differences between the two major political parties? Or, are they fundamentally the same? Which, if either, party is generally more favorable to the tenets of Christianity?

As much as my flesh may enjoy demonizing :imp: governor Jerry Brown (Democrat, CA), or President Obama (or ISIS, or Narcos, or…Mormons), I must again remind myself that,


One more reason to be thankful Cali is not deciding on our next President as they WOULD be doing if the electoral college did not save us from that fate. I pray this shameful perversion of PCness will be instrumental in waking the populace of CA the heck up. :cry: :cry: :cry:

It has yet to be determined, what fate we have been saved from. Or what fate, we are getting ourselves into. In regards to the presidential election - mind you :exclamation: :laughing:

I do remember watching a reenactment some time ago, on the History Channel (i.e. entitled Revelation: End of Days). It was along the lines of the Left Behind series (i.e. A particular Christian version, of how the world would end). But in the reenactment, the US president, turned out to be the Antichrist. :laughing:

However, let me throw out a gem here. When we use the word “fate”, that assumes God is not in control. And we can’t get help, from the Heavenly Father, Christ, the Holy Spirit, the Saints and Holy Angels. Perhaps you need to watch more things, like the TV evangelist Joel Osteen. Or contemplate more on the goodness of God (minus their particular theology), of writers like Mary Baker Eddy, Joel Goldsmith, and Emmet Fox. Perhaps we have more of a stake in our temporary destiny, they you might conceive :question: :wink:

Not with Social Security and Medicare. They will have a big fight on their hands…as this knowledgeable social media, direct response marketer and inbound marketier - knowledgeable HFPZ…works with the big AARP lobbyist group - to prevent that. :smiley: