The Evangelical Universalist Forum

The Superiority of ECT over Universalism

I think Adam died biologically because he had died spiritually. If you cut a branch off of a vine, it will look “alive” for a while. Its fruit will remain on it for awhile. But is is no longer connected to the source of life, so it withers as it dries up and decays into nothingness.

“The Spirit and the Bride say ‘Come, let all who thirst drink freely form the water of life’”.

But Paul assures us that the branch can be grafted back in, “Therefore all Israel will be saved.”(Rom 9)

This is an invitation to the reader of the prophecy of Revelation not to those in the lake of fire. We know this because the next sentence tells us:

The gates in the city are opened to the whole world in the new creation or heaven and earth. The lake of fire isn’t part of the new heavens and earth.

True Israel is the church or God’s children both Jews and Gentiles:


I’m sorry that you like to personally attack a child of God just because they prove you wrong.

I don’t think you’re being fair to St. Michael, qaz. He is not a troll, and his statements are no more garbage than anyone else’s on this forum—indeed less so than some.