The Evangelical Universalist Forum

UR in Romans?

Hi Johnny

Many thanks for those thoughts and your good wishes. :smiley: I’m fine thanks, and hope you and yours are too. I’ve passed on your best to Chris (by emailing him a link to your post - he’s currently in Peru!). And yes, it would be great to see you again soon too, along with the rest of the London group – perhaps sometime next month before things get busier towards Christmas?

I accept that there seems no concrete affirmation or denial of post-mortem salvation in the Bible (and I agree that Heb 9:27 poses no problem), but there are those verses/passages which seem to provide support for it by hinting at its possibility. These would presumably include Rom 4:17, Rom 14:9 and Paul’s references to resurrection more generally, all as referenced earlier in this thread and elsewhere. And perhaps, if we agree with Bonda, also Rom 5:15 and 18?

I appreciate your axiomatic approach to this via the bigger picture of UR as end result, and that strong biblical support for post-mortem salvation seems in short supply, but I think it’s valuable to capture what biblical support there does seem to be. Especially perhaps for those of us with an evangelical background and others for whom post-mortem salvation appears such a radical notion (at least at first), relative to more mainstream belief. If I seem to be making rather a meal of this, it’s because post-mortem salvation is such a massive deal! - EU/UR hangs on it, as you described above.

Hence my recent post above, containing fuller details regarding Rom 5:15 and 18: UR in Romans? - How strongly or otherwise do we, in fact, view Rom 5:15 and 18 as support for post-mortem salvation, as reasoned by Bonda? (And, if strongly, it perhaps seems surprising that those verses are not more widely quoted for that purpose?)

Thanks again for your post, Johnny, and peace and love to you too. :smiley:


Partly by your inspiration, Al, I’ve been doing a discovery/inductive bible study of Romans. I’ve only gotten partway into chapter three, but I LOVE discovery studies. Incredible, the richness I always find when I do one, even on a passage I thought I knew inside and out. But Romans is a complicated, intricate book. I think in order to understand it very deeply (unless you’re a lot smarter than me – which you may well be :laughing: ), you almost have to do something like this. Since you’re into Romans, maybe you’d find it worth your while to do something of this sort. :smiley:

Love, Cindy

Many thanks for those thoughts, Cindy, and I am touched and flattered by your first sentence. :smiley:

I am not sure what you mean by a discovery/inductive bible study - please can you briefly elaborate? (Also, any thoughts on those two verses?)


Al :smiley:

Hi mate, you might find some interesting stuff in this thread:

[The Hour We Least Expected)

Hi James

Thanks for pointing me at that The Hour We Least Expected thread (presumably because of its many references to Romans), which I have now caught up on and found very interesting. :slight_smile:

I have moved on to studying other books of the Bible on a similar ‘Does this hang together from a UR viewpoint?’ basis, but am sure I will be referring back to Romans again quite frequently.

Blessings - Al