In 1 Cor. 15:20-28, we discover where time will come to its end, and eternity will begin. When the last person has repented in the Lake of Fire, the purpose of the Lake will be finished. It might take a long time, but “Love is patient.” 1 Cor. 13:4.
In a way, that Lake is like the fiery furnace in Daniel:
—Jesus will be present with the captives
(Rev 14:10 Greek: basanizō, means “to test the purity of gold,” but is also translated “to torment”),
—in non-physical, purifying flames of “divine incense”
(Greek: theion; also translated “brimstone,” as “divine” fire was originally used to purify and dedicate something to deity; also, “purge” comes from Latin purgare to purify, from purus ‘pure,’ which derives from the Greek FIRE, pur),
—freeing them from all their bondage.
Of course, to know God is to be loved by Him, and then to love Him in return. The only possible reasons a person would reject God are because he is either deceived, or misinformed. Those obstacles will be lovingly removed. And each individual captive there will eventually repent (change his mind), accept Christ, and come out of that Lake of Fire, with no bonds, and without any smell of smoke!
“God is LOVE” --not “loving,” but “love.” Love is not one of many competing attributes: it is His very essence, His very DNA. Yes, God is a consuming FIRE (Heb. 12:29): a consuming fire of love.
man’s work, of what sort it is….If someone’s work is burned up, he will suffer loss, BUT he shall be saved, yet it will be like an escape through FIRE.” 1 Cor. 3:13, 15.
Each unsaved captive will gradually be unbound by Jesus to receive him, and to accept the invitation to come through the gates into the City (“On no day will its gates ever be shut” Rev 21:25), in order to take the free water of life offered there. Jesus shall lose none of all those God has given him: all are predestined for salvation; all, sooner or later, will believe.* “In Christ ALL* will be made alive” 1 Cor. 15 v. 22. And only “then comes THE END” v. 24. All Death will have been abolished (which would include the Second Death, The Lake of Fire) v. 26, and God will finally be “all in all” v. 28.
When the classroom of time ends, the real adventure begins.