Thank Dave for your honest and encouraging appraisal… much appreciated. Pantelism makes no claim to have a mortgage on “truth” and in fact in one sense (and this might sound a little weird) sees truth as a little over-rated. What I mean by that is this… in my walk with God I have held many so-called “truths” dear to my heart and passionately so, even thanking God for their revelation ONLY to in time have jettisoned them for some greater truth etc. I came to the realisation one day that in spite of or despite my many movements in “belief” God has never loved me any more or less than ever He did, regardless of whatever present truth I was clinging to.
Sure, beliefs do affect behaviour, but none of that changes God’s grace… it might frustrate the outworking of its blessing in my life, but it’s there nonetheless. Some will say you HAVE TO believe… pantelism says it’s GOOD TO believe. I used to tell people they need to believe in God — these days if it comes up I simply tell them God believes in them. I take a more contemplative way these days and tend to follow this maxim (when I’m not belting someone around the head on a forum, lol )…