If like me you have always been uneasy about Creation Science because it just had the look of a bunch of skittles longing to be knocked over then this book by Peter Hiett will resonate.Peter is qualified to speak as a geologist as well as a bible scholar. Some new thoughts to me were,the six day creation perspective from the Big Bang - that would be Gods view. That is based in Einstein’s relativity which a Dr Schroeder has worked out to place our current time to very close to the end of the sixth day from God’s perspective. From our earthly perspective the universe is about 13.7 billion years old. I would have liked some math to back this up but I fear it would be above my pay grade so maybe not . So, old earth wins but six days is right from the perspective of the Creator. Very interesting. Perhaps young earth will go the same way as flat earth! There will course be some who will want to set up a society in memory! I kind of viewed the first creation story as a complete overview map and the second creation story starting in Ch 2 of Genisis and from thence through the Bible and up to the present as an expansion covering just the time of man which is part of the sixth day. This is not just a book of new facts, thoughts and arguments only. It is a worshipful and inspirational book also. Well done Peter I say! Has anyone else got to it yet?
At least no one has to worry about sailing off the end of young earth
Well, I’m young earth and spherical earth. And my father-in-law was young earth and flat earth.
Anyone here young earth and cubical earth?http://i1098.photobucket.com/albums/g374/Paidion9/Emoticons/rotflmao.gif
I read an interesting article this week entitled Evangelicals Wrestle With Modern Science and the Bible