“So the last will be first and the first will be last” (Matt. 20:16 NIV)
So it appears that the bad guys will at least get into the kingdom of heaven.
Here’s what evangelical scholar Herman Ridderbos has to say in his Matthew commentary:
“This parable is strongly reminiscent of the older son in the parable of the Prodigal Son (Luke 15:25-32). It shows, on the one hand, the absolute freedom of God’s grace and on the other hand, the delusion of those who think they can earn God’s special favor merely by doing what is required of them. Such people will come last in the kingdom of heaven, **if indeed they even find a place there **[emphasis mine]. Thus Jesus gave a warning to all people, Pharisees and disciples alike, who pride themselves on what they have done beyond others and self-righteously take offense at the revelation of God’s grace.”
“If indeed they even find a place there” seems to be pulled from thin air.
NOTE – It’s unclear to me whether “first” and “last” refer to the timing of entry into heaven, or to rank in heaven. But for the purpose of this argument, it doesn’t matter.