Those are all good books.
Those are all good books. They did not convince me, but that’s me. Of course Channing was NOT writing a book. And there is no exegesis. And even if he had, there is NO definitive book on either ‘side’ that will convince everyone. My only hope is that those who sneer at unitarianism as a lesser christian belief would take a few minutes - I see you don’t like the word ‘master’, ok fine - to educate themselves on what an able apologist for the position does in a short exposition.
That’s ALL, Bob. If anyone wants to go further, let him go forth and read books. Still, you nor others have pointed to errors in Channing’s presentation.
Once again the sticking point is that you wanted a full christology, and I am not offering that. Noone thinks higher of Jesus than Paul did, and I am a follower. So are the unitarians I know - they believe everything the bible says about Jesus Christ. What is the big problem with that? You’ve read the other guys’ books - they did not convince you either?
We don’t worship Jesus as God - but worship him as the NT says to. If that’s not enough, if there is some 4th century mumbo-jumbo that ‘some’ would have us to believe in order to be counted as worshiping Christ, then I think those ‘some’ are wrong.
Name anything the NT says plainly about Jesus - the very highest of praises, the greatest paean of worship, I’m with you. Start going on about the hypostatic union, homoousis and the rest, and we part ways. That’s it. It’s simple. Let people read and make up their own minds, is what I think.