The Evangelical Universalist Forum

A slave is not greater than its Master; Encouragement

Do you understand that no slave is greater than its master?

You are aware that your master went to a cross, bearing it with Simon. His body was broken for you to save the world, and so your body is broken for him to rescue your being. His blood was poured out for you, and so your blood is poured out for him, life is in the blood - in pouring out your life, you lose it. In losing your life, you find it in the hidden refuge of your master’s house. With many rooms his house is built, with every drop your room is prepared.

You are aware that you are not greater than your master. As he bore a cross to the Hill, so too do you bear your daily cross to the risen places. Oh how his heart was broken, pierced by a spear from before the world and all of its ages began; such is his love, weeping over you as he smiled. Regretting making man only because man had become so unlike him. But loving man so much to remake them as new creatures in him, children of him, likened unto him. More than images of God, but vessels of him. More than reflections of that love, and goodness. But temples of it. Overcomers, in the same way as he is greater than the world, having overcome he who is in the world.

Is any slave greater than its master? If he bore a cross, and so shall you; he likewise overcame, and so shall you. Sing therefore Allelu.

Do you understand that pain is dearly felt in service to him? Yes, terrible pain. Pain like such as the ages never have seen. Living sacrifices, just as Life made himself a sacrifice. We will be broken, and our hearts will be bled dry; aching so terribly. Sore from the tumult that has thrown us about, exhausted from our slow and grinding labour. Many of us will fall, again and again; both in worship and in carrying the burden of sin. Just as the master fell on his road, upon his knees, carrying the heavy yoke of a dead tree, which would bear no fruit again.

How painful will those nails be in our hands, and how merciless the devouring foes before us. But like our master, forgive them. They know not what they do. Do you see how in being crucified at last, we share his throne upon which the world and all mankind from every eon are reconciled and made new? The same throne from which all things are made new, and free? We share the seat of our master, and the crown of thorns which weaved with his hair, mingled with his blood, shone out a great symbol of the emptied king who alone deserved every noble gesture upon the earth which rejected him. Do you know the glory of such a cross, that the very God hung upon it to make us clean? To make us more than images, but vessels of his light?

Do you understand, that in being broken we are there in his bosom? Crucified with our master, we share his presence, in the depths of his grace and most majestic humility, holding nothing of our darkness; in him no darkness can come.

Yes, we feel so much pain. We too cry out the psalm; My God, my God why have you left me? But shine as you sing oh one who hangs in the comforting heart of your master, for you are as he. Wearing holiness, and loving all. Wrapped with the robes of purity, while he bears your nakedness. Love is shown by our pain, in the way that a sun through rain reveals the rainbow. In him we shine, in us shines him. Revealing the forgiving promise in the heavens.

Do not despair of your pains, though they are truly terrible. Yes, they are so violent and seem to tear at you insatiably, ravenous for your destruction. But take joy, though you do not know it, you are so much like your master in being broken. Even if you die, you will live as your master lived. He lives for ever.

Love is your master. Love never fails, neither shall you in love, if Love is your refuge.

Bear your cross with patience, and see the presence of God all around you; clothing you with comfort and light, bearing your cross and all of your pain on his shoulders with you. From a rugged throne, where both you and he share communion, and illuminate the world with healing light.

Be comforted; God is nearest, as near to you as your heart and pain.

The Master is there.

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