In God’s eternity
There shall a day arise,
When all the race of man shall be
With Jesus in the skies.As night before the rays
Of morning flees away,
Sin shall retire before the blaze
Of God’s eternal day.As music fills the grove
When stormy clouds are past,
Sweet anthems of redeeming love
Shall all employ at last.Redeemed from death and sin
Shall Adam’s numerous race,
A ceaseless song of praise begin,
And shout redeeming grace.
Note: This hymn can be sung to the tune of “Rejoice the Lord is King.” If you don’t know the tune go to:
For example, in the first verse, sing the four lines exactly as you would in “Rejoice the Lord is King.”
Then to correspond to the final three lines of “Rejoice the Lord is King,” repeat the last two lines as follows:
When all the race
Of man shall be
Shall be with Jesus in the skies.