Got my copy of Alvin Plantinga’s new book. He wrote a condensed version of “Warranted Christian Belief” and released it as this one. Richard Swinburne says:
A very clear, easy-to-understand, and challenging presentation of the main steps of Plantinga’s argument in his magnum opus Warranted Christian Belief. Using the tools of modern epistemology, Plantinga defends a classical position - that Christian belief does not need to be supported by any arguments from generally agreed premises in order to be fully rational, and that that belief cannot be shown to be false by any such arguments.
Michael Bergman says:
Written by one of the greatest living philosophers of religion, this book is sure to be an instant classic. It provides a concise and accessible statement of one of his most distinctive ideas - which he has developed with extreme rigor and care over the past fifty years - namely, that theistic and Christian belief can amount to knowledge, without being based on arguments. .SY344_BO1,204,203,200 .jpg