Have a guess how many serving members of the US armed forces were killed in action last year.
Then have a guess how many committed suicide last year.
Then have a guess how many ex servicemen and women killed themselves last year.
Okay, here are the answers:
Yep, you read that right. More serving US military personnel died by their own hand last year than at the hands of an enemy in combat, which is shocking enough. But that sad statistic is dwarfed by the appalling incidence of suicide among veterans. Now it goes without saying that this is a tragedy in and of itself.
Clearly something is very very wrong with the way veterans are cared for - or not - by the Pentagon and the Government. You can read the full story here:
guardian.co.uk/world/2013/fe … ic-veteran
But one passage in the article really struck me:
I find it highly instructive - not to mention heartbreaking - that these guys are so deeply traumatised by the perceived failure to protect their comrades. Is this not a shining example of how deeply the concept of salvific love for our friends and family is ingrained within us.
I find it both farcical and deeply offensive that many who would dismiss Universalism do so on the grounds of its perceived emotionalism. Oh, you believe in EU because you’re a soppy bleeding heart liberal with an overly anthropomorphic view of scripture, doctrine and divinity. You judge God’s righteous action in condemning sinners to ECT by your puny, fallen human standards. Don’t you know God is sovereign? If he decrees ECT for rebel humans, who are you to question the rightness of that?
Well for goodness sake, how else am I to judge? And why the blinking flip did my Creator implant this notion of justice within me; why did He make it so that the loss of those we love eviscerates us emotionally if He is going to throw so many of them onto the fire to burn forever? Answer me that, John Piper. Explain how I, a miserable human sinner, can be more merciful than Almighty God, Mark Driscoll.
And if you cannot, which of course you cannot, then don’t you dare call me a heretic for not believing it. In fact, don’t speak to me at all. I despise your smug self-righteous selfishness, and the diabolical horror that dwells in your black hearts.