I know this sounds like a strange question/ topic, but I thought it was an interesting line of thought.
Not exactly sure if this fits best here or under philosophical; I’ll let the powers that be decide. I just got to wondering about something, and wanted to throw it out there for discussion.
I have seen discussion in the past on whether God intends us to be monogamous and/ or participate in sex outside of marriage or not, and I just got to wondering about this question from the perspective of the pattern of God’s relationship to us. Now, there is some question among certain factions in christianity (I’m thinking of the ultra-dispensationalists here) whether there is a decided difference between the body and bride of Christ. Most that I know would say that the body and bride are essentially interchangeable terms, and this may or may not be a side issue; I’ll leave it out there as a component of the discussion nonetheless.
In either case, I wonder (in a speculative sort of way) if it is really God’s intent for us to be monogamous. Consider the example of many of the figures of the OT. They weren’t on the whole particularly monogamous, and some less so than others, yet God never seems to frown on this. Consider also the fact that research clearly demonstrates that more sex is better than less, healthwise; what are we meant to do before marriage then, for example? Another thing to think about is the relationship between God and the bride/ body. If we as believers are indeed the bride of Christ, we are a corporate bride; made up of many individuals, not one. If trinitarianism is to be believed, then God Himself is a multipersonal entity. So it would seem that God himself is not “monogamous” (with respect to relationship to the bride/ body) either. It’s entirely possible that this is a category error of some kind, but I thought it was interesting at any rate, and wanted to put it out there for discussion.
Every once in a while, I just like to toss a spanner into the machine and see what happens…