I was on my way to work listening to the Proverbs and this verse struck a chord with me. Perhaps because I have been discussing with a brother regarding the sermon of George MacDonald’s “Justice”. So the idea of atonement was discussed.
Proverbs 16:6 “By steadfast love and faithfulness, iniquity is atoned for, and by the fear of the Lord one turns away from evil.”
The first part of the verse is what caught my attention. According to MacDonald (whom I agree with) in his sermon on Justice, the way to make atonement is essentially repentance. You did wrong, and in order to atone, you seek to make it up to the person as best as you can. The other person, of course, provided he is forgiving will see this effort and the relationship is on it’s way to be restored. Reconciliation at last.
However, I have read two commentaries on this verse and one claims that we actually cannot make atonement and this verse is mistranslated. This commentator says
Curious, who agrees with Clarke’s commentary? If so, why? and if not, why?