[size=150]Attributarianism and the Godhead; An Introduction[/size]
[size=85]Attributarianism seeks to express God as a synonymous unanimous oneness of persons and attributes, who interact and exist co-existentially, co-essentially, interpanentheistically, and interpanenexistentially in heterogenous synonymy; especially synonymy of one will and one identity; God, the omniessential supreme being.[/size]
The Godhead, and the nature of the Godhead is one of debate and scrutiny; an ever continuing quest to understand the nature of the unfathomable and infinite God, especially as it pertains to his revealed persons.
Attributarian, and Attributarianism; these are terms that I’ve coined to describe the philosophical and doctrinal position on the nature of God and the Godhead that I have been working on as of late, and hope to expound on here and elsewhere as my thesis grows and my study deepens.
As of late I’ve been studying or thinking about the nature of God, and specifically how he has revealed himself to his creation - and as I’ve progressed further and further more questions and concepts have arisen to add to the view and express it more accurately.
Concepts and questions such as; Is God also female? Is Michael also God? What of Melchizedek? Who exactly is the Angel of the Lord?
Other contributing factors include my recent revelation that God is internally consistent, and unanimous in all of his attributes. That is to say; God exists in a state of “unanimous oneness”; his Love is his Justice, and vice versa.
Another contributing factor is that the Bible’s records of God contain many names and many visions and various epiphanies given to mankind, that the traditional views have trouble explaining (at least to laymen), and that less common views such as Modalism and Unitarianism do not explain sufficiently at all, at least in any satisfactory way for my sake.
To begin explaining my idea behind Attributarianism, I must begin at the very source of the position; the synonymous unanimous oneness of the divine attributes of God.
God is not a house divided against itself, and so his Love is not contradictory or pitted against his Justice, for example, and neither are his Holiness and Wrath pitted against his Grace and his Mercy. They interact with each other in perfect unity, and oneness to achieve the will and purpose of God. But not only do they do as such, interacting in unity, but they are likewise so infinitely interpenetrating within one another, and so expressive of the same divine substance; that they are in truth synonymous both essentially and existentially. God is One.
Effectively the logic follows this idea in application;
[size=85]God is Love, God is Justice: God is Love, God is Justice; therefore Love is God, Justice is God.[/size]
Effectively there is a common factor and substance with all of the attributes of God; they are God and God is them, and therefore;
[size=85]Love is Justice, Justice is Love[/size]
Thus it is that “God and God” must by nature be in a state of synonymous unanimous oneness, in which all of his persons and attributes are in one accord achieving the will of God. Likewise they are all one essential existential substance or identity; in perfect unity of expression, infinite and divine.
All that God is, is all that God is.
It was out of this edict that Attributarianism was born.
Attributarianism presents the persons of God under the idea of “hyper-attributes”, not in that they are impersonal qualities of God; far from it, but rather it is a way of bringing to the mind of the student an understanding of how the One God can be so eternally manifest in so many diverse qualities, yet maintain such divine unanimity and synonymy.
In the same way that God’s divine attributes; such as Love and Justice are in infinite and divine “synonymous unanimous oneness”, so too are the persons of God. Effectively the persons of God exist and act in the same manner as God’s attributes. Perhaps even, the persons of God and the attributes of God exist interexistentially with and as each other in the same way that the persons of God, and the attributes of God exist in each other; in that very same synonymy.
Every revealed, and unrevealed expression, attribute, name, title, and person of God are synonymously The One God, and The One God is synonymously them. Every person (hyper-attribute) of God existing as co-eternal, co-operative, co-interactive, co-existent, co-equivalent, co-essential, self-evident manifestations and expressions of the same being, substance, and identity of The One God.
[size=85]End of Introduction, til more to come has come.[/size]