The Evangelical Universalist Forum

Bible Contradictions Resolved in a Multiverse

Well thanks for the lecture on your thoughts about “as far as I know” , I know we all appreciate it.

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Sorry Invernessian, what in God’s name was I thinking?

A few hundred $U.S. is like $20K Canadian, I think? Do you even use money up there, or is it still barter? lol

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But you do not really seem to appreciate it . . . as far as I know.

Epistemically speaking I do, as far as I know.

Well, since you know for sure what your feelings are, saying “as far as you know” about those feelings is as good as a metaphysical truth when it comes to your feelings, as far as I know. So thanks.

This is a forum bug. It has happened at least a hundred times on these boards. The nested quote function seems to be broken, as this frequently happens. You can, however, fix it after the fact via an edit.

To clarify further, quoting the wrong person isn’t a mistake. The software is bugged in certain situations when you quote someone who quoted another person.

That’s why I always say something like this - following the quote.


Otherwise, we might have confusion - like this video illustrates! :crazy_face:

And just to recap. My view is God as the creator and Christ the redeemer. But Old Earth, Big Bang, Progressive Creationism, and Zombie Evolution (when Z-Hell (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9) commences) - are my scientific positions. :crazy_face:


So with Zombie Evolution…we go from Zombies from The Walking Dead and Fear The Walking Dead…and morph into zombies, like those in the movies Get Out and Invasion Of The Body Snatchers. But it’s still unknown, if these are Biblical zombies or Scientific zombies (i.e. science run AMOK). :crazy_face:

And here are the two leading positions, that go along with Big Bang and Old Earth - for normal species creation.

OK thanks Gabe!

or perhaps critical thinking!

Anything you clip from a post will show as belonging to the poster. So, if the poster post a quote from someone else, if YOU clip that quote, it will show as the poster’s material, not the original source. It’s not a bug but just the way it works. So: if I clip from inside the colored portion, it will show as quoting from HFPZ, even though it was originally Gabe’s statement.

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No forum, ever, besides this one (and any that runs on this software) has ever worked that way. Call it a bug, feature, etc… It isn’t how forums have ever operated. It is hard to argue that this feature is working as intended. You would have to carefully follow the conversation and note who said what, to know that said person wasn’t responsible for the quote. Again, I don’t know how you could argue this functionality isn’t a bug, but a feature. So, let’s just say “Working as Designed” to which I say “Design is Dumb.” :slight_smile: if you want to insist it isn’t a bug.

Well Gabe, don’t take it personally for cryin’ out loud. I wasn’t criticizing you. I don’t care if you call it a ‘bug’ or not - it’s functioning the way it was intended even though it’s dumb. That’s it.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Did you see what I did there? :slight_smile:

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Clever! Can I ‘quote’ you on that? (see what I did lol) :slight_smile:

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It’s discouraged by any institutional type entity whether it’s the RCC or even sometimes enviromental or scientific organizational groups , they like everyone to be on the same page.

Just as harmful as fundamentalist mindset is -Scientism. Scientists and philosophers of science are just as fundamental as religious folks, when those scientists contend that the positive results of science are in fact the only way to understand what is real. Human consciousness, God, morality - all comes under the judgment of science.
" Scientism is the promotion of science as the best or only objective means by which society should determine normative and epistemological values. The term scientism is generally used critically, implying a cosmetic application of science in unwarranted situations considered not amenable to application of the scientific method or similar scientific standards."

The atmosphere was created by God since it is part of the heavens so God being the First Cause could have initially created it with oxygen. Recently isotopes have been discovered which are older then fossils and these green plants or algae could have continued the oxygenation process to support trees and seed bearing plants prior to the oceans being created with more algae and this creation in Genesis 5 may have then brought up the oxygen levels sufficiently to cause the Cambrian explosion.

Indeed. When it comes to multiverse, string theory, etc… I am just as skeptical. I am “OK” with wild theories existing as wild theories, as I think they can be fun to contemplate, but in the end, I see things like “string theory” and “multiverse” as essentially wild speculation. Nowhere near the level of rocket science, advanced mathematics, geology, etc…

But things like string theory and multiverses are “advanced mathematical” models. Or to put it another way. They are “Advanced theological, mathematical models”, to explain away subatomic particle phenomena.

Let’s picture some PhD physicists, talking about competing theories:

The problem comes in that it’s hard to currently design experiments, to prove the theoretical constructions.

I admit. It’s nowhere near as solid, as Z-Hell (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9) and Zombie Evolution. But PhD physicists, have to start somewhere. :crazy_face: