Someone posted this article on facebook recently: … ans/104960
I was appalled. Here are some of my thoughts/ reactions to the article:
If the ‘end is near’, then it should’ve been nearer during the Roman Empire when Revelation was written. They were way more immoral than we are today. I think the point of view that Graham espouses here only makes sense with a dispensational futurist take on scripture. That isn’t the only way to read scripture, and it’s not even very accurate; too many serious problems with that view. Every generation has thought the “end” was near, and they were all wrong, at least those with a dispensational perspective on what the “end” looks like. The scripture makes it quite clear to those that are paying attention that it is God’s intention to bring His kingdom here, to redeem what’s here, to make everything here new; not wipe it out and start over. Revelation is far less about the future than it is about what’s already happened (or at least what has begun) in the past.