I’m going to shake the tree - a bit.
I’m taken back into my mind, to my days in academia. Suppose I was taking a Christian theology class or a philosophy ethics class. And the professor asked us,
Well, we really can’t discuss this question, until we clear up some issues. Or answer some basic questions:
What is the definition, of a moral life?
How do WE know, whether a person is leading - a moral life or not?
How do WE know, if a person is a Christian - or not? Can someone who is a Jehovah’s Witness, Quaker, Mormon or Christian Scientist be Christian? Why or why not? What is the definition of a Christian?
In the Old Testament, there is a person named Enoch. And there is a verse, which I will quote from Wiki (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enoch_(ancestor_of_Noah.
. Well, Enoch wasn’t a prophet, as far as scripture mentions. What kind of moral life did he lead - that God “took him” (in other words, he did not see death - from conventional understanding)? And why don’t other Old and New Testament figures (with the exception of Elijah and Christ) - experience this? Or even Christians in our century? For the benefit of everyone, here’s the Calvinist site - Got Questions, talking about Enoch: gotquestions.org/Enoch-in-the-Bible.html
I attend every two weeks, a Buddhist mindfulness meditation group. It’s held at a spiritual center, run by Franciscan nuns. And everyone there, appears to be acting moral. And some might be Christian, some Buddhist, some both and some other. How can I tell, if they are acting moral or not?. There’s an old saying, called the duck test (see en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Duck_test).
P.S.Here’s an interesting Calvinist CARM, Matt Slick Facebook video:
Interview with an Ex-Mormon Scholar
I rate this video interview very hightly And Matt Slick did say something, to this effect - in the interview:
And he does talk, about defining your terms.